2013年11月18日 星期一

每日箴言灵修 - November 19 2013 - 天的门



2013年11月19日 (星期二)

经文: 创世记28:10-22
"这不是别的, 乃是神的殿, 也是天的门。" 创28:17
Scripture: Genesis 28:10-22
"This is none other than the house of God; this is the gate of heaven." Genesis 28:17

  在远古时期, 人类都竭力尝试建造像山一样高的殿宇, 他们以为在这样的高度, 天和地便会连接起来, 他们便可以和他们相信的神明来往了。藉着制止人类建造巴别塔(创世记11), 神让我们清楚明白祂对这些计划的看法。

  多年后, 雅各睡在一个他看为没有什么特别的地方, 在那里以石为枕。之后他梦见一道把天和地连接起来的梯子, 有神的使者在梯子上, 上去下来, 天和地真的连接起来了!

  天可以降临到地上, 但地却不能升到天上, 除非天提供一扇门。那天晚上, 雅各知道神已打开了这扇门;祂因为睡在天的门前, 所以他称这地为"伯特利", 意思是"神的殿"。在这门前, 神应许必与雅各和他的后裔同在。

  耶稣基督曾说: "我就是门, 凡从我进来的, 必然得救。"(约翰福音10:9)。原来耶稣是进天国唯一的门, 只有藉着祂, 我们才能进到神的殿。人们尝试靠自己接近神, 就像巴别塔的故事所说的。可惜, 他们靠自己花费了很多血汗, 却徒劳无功。

  今天我们不用费尽心思如何靠近神, 因为神已藉着耶稣来到我们中间了。快快相信啊。

Throughout the ages people have worked hard to build mountain-like temples, believing that at such heights heaven and earth meet and people can visit with their gods. God offered his opinion of such plans by stopping the work at Babel (Genesis 11).

Years later Jacob slept in what he thought was an ordinary place, with a stone for a pillow. Dreaming of a ladder connecting earth to heaven, he saw heavenly messengers descending and ascending. Heaven and earth were connected!

Heaven can come down to earth, but earth cannot ascend to heaven, unless heaven itself makes it possible by providing a door. That night Jacob learned that God himself opened such a door. Because he had slept at heaven's gate, Jacob called it Bethel, which means "house of God." At that gate God promised to be close to Jacob and his descendants.

Jesus Christ said, "I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved" (John 10:9). Jesus is heaven's only gate. Through him alone we can enter the house of God. People try to get close to God by themselves, as they did at Babel. But all the sweat and tears they invest by their own efforts lead to dead ends.

We don't have to worry about getting near to God. Through Jesus, God has come to us. Believe it.


主啊, 感谢祢, 因为祢已藉耶稣基督为我们预备了通往天国的门。求祢保守我们常在祢身旁, 特别是当我们被引诱进入另一扇门时, 更需要祢的救助。奉基督的名求, 阿们。


Thank you, Lord, for removing the burden of getting close to you. Keep me near you, especially when I'm tempted to enter another gate. In Christ's name I pray. Amen.

今天经文: 创世记28:10-22

10 雅各出了别是巴, 向哈兰走去;
11 到了一个地方, 因为太阳落了, 就在那里住宿, 便拾起那地方的一块石头枕在头下, 在那里躺卧睡了,
12 梦见一个梯子立在地上, 梯子的头顶着天, 有 神的使者在梯子上, 上去下来。
13 耶和华站在梯子以上, 说: "我是耶和华—你祖亚伯拉罕的 神, 也是以撒的 神; 我要将你现在所躺卧之地赐给你和你的后裔。
14 你的后裔必像地上的尘沙那样多, 必向东西南北开展; 地上万族必因你和你的后裔得福。
15 我也与你同在。你无论往哪里去, 我必保佑你, 领你归回这地, 总不离弃你, 直到我成全了向你所应许的。"
16 雅各睡醒了, 说: "耶和华真在这里, 我竟不知道!"
17 就惧怕, 说: "这地方何等可畏!这不是别的, 乃是 神的殿, 也是天的门。"
18 雅各清早起来, 把所枕的石头立作柱子, 浇油在上面。
19 他就给那地方起名叫伯特利; 但那地方起先名叫路斯。
20 雅各许愿说: " 神若与我同在, 在我所行的路上保佑我, 又给我食物吃, 衣服穿,
21 使我平平安安地回到我父亲的家, 我就必以耶和华为我的 神。
22 我所立为柱子的石头也必作 神的殿; 凡你所赐给我的, 我必将十分之一献给你。"

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