慕安德烈每日靈修 God's Best Secrets by Andrew Murray 勝過世界 經文: 「勝過世界的是誰呢?不是那信耶穌是上帝兒子的嗎?」(約翰壹書五:5) 耶穌一再說到這世界恨惡祂,祂的國度和世界的國是兩個敵對的勢力,約翰深深瞭解這點,所以他做了如下的結論:「我們知道,我們是屬上帝的,全世界都臥在那惡者手下。」(約壹五:19)「不要愛世界和世界上的事,人若愛世界,愛父的心就不在祂裡面了。」(約壹二:15) 約翰也教導我們世界的權勢和它的本質:諸如肉體的情慾,眼目的情慾,並今生的驕傲。我們發現這些追求屬世的榮耀,高抬自己的特質,在伊甸園夏娃的身上都找得到。她看到這園子的果樹是好的,不但果子可當食物吃,而且悅人眼目,吃了還能使人眼睛明亮,變得聰明。經由肉體的需要,眼目的誘惑,以及今生的驕傲,這世界轄管了夏娃,也轄制了我們。 對那些不明白我們已與耶穌同釘十字架的基督徒而言,這世界的潮流對我們仍具有相當大的引誘力,無論是吃喝感官的享受,放縱肉體的安逸享受,或是名利權位的追求,都再再證明這世界的力量是何等強大!大部份的基督徒不是對這世界的誘惑渾然不知,就是對它覺得無可抗拒。 耶穌卻留給我們可以支取的寶貴應許:「別灰心,我已經勝了這世界。」凡是住在耶穌基督裡的信徒,尋求靠著聖靈過著屬靈生活的人,必有信心靠著上帝的大能勝過這世界。「那勝過世界的,豈不是那相信耶穌是上帝兒子的?」「我因信上帝的兒子而活,祂是愛我,為我捨命。」這就是每天時時刻刻勝過世界的秘訣,因而能拒絕生活中各樣大大小小的誘惑。但這需要有一顆強烈的心志,願意完全被耶穌所佔有,才能過一個憑信心得勝的生活。 喔,親愛的弟兄姐妹們,花時間安靜默想,是否真有信心相信上帝的全能勝過這世界?把你的信心放在大能的上帝手中吧,活在耶穌同在的面光中,做為不斷得勝的確切保證。 「你相信這些嗎?」「是的,我信。」 OVERCOMING THE WORLD Scripture: "Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God."—1 JOHN v. 5. .... Christ had spoken strongly on the world hating Him. His Kingdom and the kingdom of this world were in deadly hostility. John had understood the lesson, and summed up all in the words: "We know that we are of God, and the whole world lieth in wickedness." "Love not the world, nor the things that are of the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him." John also teaches us what the real nature and power of the world is: the lust of the flesh, with its self-pleasing; the lust of the eyes, with its seeing and seeking what there is in the glory of the world; and the pride of life, with its self-exaltation. We find these three marks of what the World is in Eve in Paradise. She "saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise." Through the body, and the eyes, and the pride of wisdom, the world acquired the mastery over her and over us. The world still exerts a terrible influence over the Christian who does not know that in Christ he has been crucified to the world. In the pleasure in eating and drinking, in the love and enjoyment of what there is to be seen of its glory, and in all that constitutes the pride of life, the power of this world proves itself. And most Christians are either utterly ignorant of the danger of a worldly spirit, or feel themselves utterly impotent to conquer it. Christ left us with the great far-reaching promise: "Be of good cheer, I have overcome the world." As the child of God abides in Christ and seeks to live the heavenly life in the power of the Holy Spirit, he may confidently count on the power to over¬come the world. "Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God?" "I live by the faith of the Son of God, Who loved me, and gave Himself for me"; this is the secret of daily, hourly victory over the world and all its secret, subtle temptation. But it needs a heart and a life entirely possessed by the faith of Jesus Christ to main¬tain the victor's attitude at all times. Oh, my brother, take time to ask whether you do with your whole heart believe in the victory that faith gives over the world. Put your trust in the mighty power of God, in the abiding- presence of Jesus, as the only pledge of certain and continual victory. "Believest thou this?" Yea, Lord. I believe. |
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2014年5月1日 星期四
Daily Devotion - May 2 - ?}|w?w‾P‥C?eAF-× God's Best Secrets by Andrew Murray
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