2013年11月20日 星期三

每日箴言灵修 - November 21 2013 - 怎样对待邻舍的恶行



2013年11月21日 (星期四)

经文: 创世记34:24-31
"凡从城门出入的人, 就都听从…, 凡从城门出入的男丁都受了割礼。" 创34:24
Scripture: Genesis 34:24-31
"All the men who went out of the city gate agreed . . . and every male in the city was circumcised." Genesis 34:24

  圣经不隐瞒雅各的丑恶诡诈, 也不隐瞒他儿子的奸恶。当他们的妹妹底拿被当地一个年青人示剑污辱了, 作为哥哥的非常愤怒, 便哄骗示剑的男子, 使他们同意接受疼痛的宗教仪式 —— 割礼。这个仪式本来是用来提醒人民神对亚伯拉罕的应许的, 但雅各的儿子别有居心, 趁这些人在复原期间把他们通通杀光。

  他们用这样的奸计谋取公义, 为妹妹报仇, 已经是一件邪恶的事。但更糟的, 就是兄弟二人滥用了代表他们家族与独一真神的关系的记号。

  他们用欺哄的手法滥用神的祝福, 又杀害示剑的男子, 这些恶行必定遭受惩罚。当雅各责怪他们说: "你们连累我"时, 他们的反应就是为自己辩护, 说: "他岂可待我们的妹子如同妓女吗?"

  今日, 基督徒有时也受到苦待, 例如教堂被烧毁或其他形式的逼迫。不过, 我们仍然没有理由去滥用神的祝福来报私人仇怨。同样, 我们也没有权利告诉别人, 如果他们不信耶稣或不做虔诚的信徒, 我们便不爱他们或不饶恕他们。

  奉耶稣的名存忍耐的心是最好的做法, 我们要给神时间去施行祂的公平正义。

The Bible doesn't shy away from Jacob's shameful deceit, nor from the deceit of his sons. Their sister Dinah has been raped by Shechem, a local youth, so her brothers were furious. They manipulated the men of Shechem into agreeing that they should all submit to a painful religious rite—circumcision—which was intended to be a special reminder of God's promise to Abraham. But Jacob's sons planned to murder the men while they were recovering. And they did just that.

It was wicked to manipulate justice to avenge their sister. Even worse, though, was that the brothers abused the symbol of their family's relationship with the one true God.

Their shameless manipulation of God's blessing and their murder of the men of Shechem did not go unpunished: "You have brought trouble on me," Jacob told them. Their response was to justify themselves: "Should he have treated our sister like a prostitute?"

If Christians are abused by the burning of churches and other forms of persecution, that gives us no reason to manipulate God's gifts to get personal vengeance. Nor would it be right to tell people you will not love or forgive them if they don't convert to Christ or don't live as faithful believers. Patience in the name of Jesus is best, giving time for God to work his righteous justice.


主啊, 感谢祢赐我赦罪之恩, 又在我生命中施怜悯。虽然有时我们会受到邻舍的恶待, 但求祢帮助我们不要以恶报恶, 相反, 懂得像祢一样去爱和饶恕他们。奉耶稣的名祈求, 阿们。


Thank you, Lord, for your gift of forgiveness and your compassion in my life. Help me to love you above all, and my neighbor as myself, for Jesus' sake. Amen.

今天经文: 创世记34:24-31

24 凡从城门出入的人就都听从哈抹和他儿子示剑的话; 于是凡从城门出入的男丁都受了割礼。
25 到第三天, 众人正在疼痛的时候, 雅各的两个儿子, 就是底拿的哥哥西缅和利未, 各拿刀剑, 趁着众人想不到的时候来到城中, 把一切男丁都杀了,
26 又用刀杀了哈抹和他儿子示剑, 把底拿从示剑家里带出来就走了。
27 雅各的儿子们因为他们的妹子受了玷污, 就来到被杀的人那里, 掳掠那城,
28 夺了他们的羊群、牛群, 和驴, 并城里田间所有的;
29 又把他们一切货财、孩子、妇女, 并各房中所有的, 都掳掠去了。
30 雅各对西缅和利未说: "你们连累我, 使我在这地的居民中, 就是在迦南人和比利洗人中, 有了臭名。我的人丁既然稀少, 他们必聚集来击杀我, 我和全家的人都必灭绝。"
31 他们说: "他岂可待我们的妹子如同妓女吗?"


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