2013年12月10日 星期二

Daily Devotion - Dec 11 - ¯îºz¥Ì¬u Streams in the Desert

荒漠甘泉 Streams in the Desert


經文: 「耶和華的僕人,夜間在耶和華殿中的……願造天地的耶和華,從錫安賜福給你們。」(詩一三四1,3)


我們在夏日陽光中──空中充滿了音樂,樹上結滿了果子的時候──敬拜上帝是一件容易的事情。但是當小鳥的歌聲停止了,樹上的果子下墜了,我們的心能不能繼續歌唱呢?我們願不願意做夜間站在耶和華殿中的呢?我們會不會再愛祂呢?我們肯不肯在客西馬尼同祂儆醒片時呢?我們肯不肯作古利奈人西門去背祂的十字架呢?我們肯不肯在祂臨死的時候和馬利亞並祂所愛的那門徒一同站在祂旁邊呢?我們肯不肯和尼哥底母一同帶著沒藥和沉香去安葬死的基督呢?親愛的,如果你肯,願造天地的耶和華,從錫安賜福給你!──馬德勝(Geo. Matheson)

Worship in the Night

Scripture: "Ye servants of the Lord, which by night stand in the house of the Lord. The Lord that made heaven and earth bless thee out of Zion" (Ps. 134:1, 3).

Strange time for adoration, you say, to stand in God's house by night, to worship in the depth of sorrow --it is indeed an arduous thing. Yes, and therein lies the blessing; it is the test of perfect faith. If I would know the love of my friend I must see what it can do in the winter. So with the Divine love. It is easy for me to worship in the summer sunshine when the melodies of life are in the air and the fruits of life are on the tree. But let the song of the bird cease and the fruit of the tree fall, and will my heart still go on to sing? Will I stand in God's house by night? Will I love Him in His own night? Will I watch with Him even one hour in His Gethsemane? Will I help to bear His cross up the dolorous way? Will I stand beside Him in His dying moments with Mary and the beloved disciple? Will I be able with Nicodemus to take up the dead Christ? Then is my worship complete and my blessing glorious. My love has come to Him in His humiliation. My faith has found Him in His lowliness. My heart has recognized His majesty through His mean disguise, and I know at last that I desire not the gift but the Giver. When I can stand in His house by night I have accepted Him for Himself alone. --George Matheson

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