2014年1月13日 星期一

Daily Devotion - Jan 14 - ¼}¦w¼w¯P¨C¤éÆF­× God's Best Secrets by Andrew Murray

慕安德烈每日靈修 God's Best Secrets by Andrew Murray


經文: 「你們雖然沒有見過祂,卻是愛祂,如今雖不得看見,卻因信祂就有說不出來,滿有榮光的大喜樂。」(彼得前書一:8)








Scripture: "Jesus Christ, Whom not having seen, ye love: in Whom, though now ye see Him not, yet believing, ye rejoice greatly with joy unspeakable and full of glory."—I PET. i. 8. R. V.

What a wonderful description of the Christian life! People who had never seen Christ, and yet truly loved Him and believed on Him, so that their hearts were filled with unspeakable joy. Such is the life of a Christian who really loves his Lord.
We have seen that the chief attribute of the Father and of the Son, is love to each other and love to man. This should be the chief characteristics of the true Christian. The love of God and of Christ is shed abroad in his heart, and becomes a well of living water, flowing forth as love to the Lord Jesus.
This love is not merely a blessed feeling. It is an active principle. It takes pleasure in doing the will of the beloved Lord. It is joy to keep His commandments. The love of Christ to us was shown by His death on the cross, our love must be exhibited in unselfish, self-sacrificing lives. Oh that we under¬stood this: Jn the Christian life love to Christ is everything!
Great love will beget great faith. Faith in His love to us, faith in the powerful revelations of His love in our hearts, faith that He through His love will work all His good pleasure in us.
The wings of faith and love will lift us up to heaven, and we shall be filled with joy unspeakable. The joy of the Christian is an indispensable witness to the world of the power of Christ to change hearts, and fill them with heavenly love and gladness.
O ye lovers of the Lord Jesus, take time daily in the inner chamber with Him anew to drink in His heavenly love. It will make you strong in faith, and your joy will be full. Love, joy. faith, these will be our life each day through the grace of our Lord Jesus.

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