司布真每日靈修(日) Morning by Morning
經文: 「亞倫要擔當干犯聖物條例的罪孽。」(出埃及記廿八:38)
佩松博士(Dr. Pay Son)有次寫給弟兄的信,說道:「我的教區以及我的心,像極了懶人的花園;更糟的是,我想要這兩處地方更美好的動機,卻是出於虛榮驕傲,或是懶惰。當我看到雜草叢生的花園,就想立刻把這些無用的野草除掉,為什麼我的念頭這樣的強烈?豈不是因為當我在那兒散步時,可以炫燿地對人說:「你看,我的花園多麼整齊漂亮。」這是驕傲,或許我也巴望鄰居會從籬笆邊探過頭來,說:「睢!你花園的花開得可真美!」這是虛榮心!有時我期望奇蹟出現,全部雜草在一夜間全部消失,因為我懶得天天去拔草,這是閒散。」真的,即使外表看似聖濼的追求,往往也會帶有錯誤的動機。因此,當這位大祭司在額上掛個「歸耶和華為聖」的牌子,且擔當干犯聖物(條例)的罪孽,眾人該覺得何等放心。即使耶穌背負我們的罪債,但祂站在上帝前時,祂所擺上的是祂的義,而不是我們的不義。
Morning, January 8
Scripture: "The iniquity of the holy things."(Exodus 28:38)
What a veil is lifted up by these words, and what a disclosure is made! It will be humbling and profitable for us to pause awhile and see this sad sight. The iniquities of our public worship, its hypocrisy, formality, lukewarmness, irreverence, wandering of heart and forgetfulness of God, what a full measure have we there! Our work for the Lord, its emulation, selfishness, carelessness, slackness, unbelief, what a mass of defilement is there! Our private devotions, their laxity, coldness, neglect, sleepiness, and vanity, what a mountain of dead earth is there! If we looked more carefully we should find this iniquity to be far greater than appears at first sight. Dr. Payson, writing to his brother, says, "My parish, as well as my heart, very much resembles the garden of the sluggard; and what is worse, I find that very many of my desires for the melioration of both, proceed either from pride or vanity or indolence. I look at the weeds which overspread my garden, and breathe out an earnest wish that they were eradicated. But why? What prompts the wish? It may be that I may walk out and say to myself, 'In what fine order is my garden kept!' This is pride. Or, it may be that my neighbours may look over the wall and say, 'How finely your garden flourishes!' This is vanity. Or I may wish for the destruction of the weeds, because I am weary of pulling them up. This is indolence." So that even our desires after holiness may be polluted by ill motives. Under the greenest sods worms hide themselves; we need not look long to discover them. How cheering is the thought, that when the High Priest bore the iniquity of the holy things he wore upon his brow the words, "HOLINESS TO THE LORD :" and even so while Jesus bears our sin, he presents before his Father's face not our unholiness, but his own holiness. O for grace to view our great High Priest by the eye of faith!
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