荒漠甘泉 Streams in the Desert
經文: 「約翰一件神蹟沒有行過;但約翰指著這人所說的一切話都是真的。」(約十41)
也許不知不覺間,我們自己不知道,我們已經作了頂美的工作。撒種、通水泉、領人對基督有正當的認識:雖然沒有廣告替我們鼓吹,沒有紀念碑為我們建立,然而我的心已經滿足。如果有人──只有一個人也不妨──能說:「….他一件神蹟也沒有行過,但是因著他見證的聲音,我們就親自認識主了。」──馬得勝(Geo. Matheson)
Hidden Workers
Scripture: "John did no miracle: but all things that John spake of this man were true" (John 10:41).
You may be very discontented with yourself. You are no genius, have no brilliant gifts, and are inconspicuous for any special faculty. Mediocrity is the law of your existence. Your days are remarkable for nothing but sameness and insipidity. Yet you may live a great life.
John did no miracle, but Jesus said that among those born of women there had not appeared a greater than he.
John's main business was to bear witness to the Light, and this may be yours and mine. John was content to be only a voice, if men would think of Christ.
Be willing to be only a voice, heard but not seen; a mirror whose surface is lost to view, because it reflects the dazzling glory of the sun; a breeze that springs up just before daylight, and says, "The dawn! the dawn!" and then dies away.
Do the commonest and smallest things as beneath His eye. If you must live with uncongenial people, set to their conquest by love. If you have made a great mistake in your life, do not let it becloud all of it; but, locking the secret in your breast, compel it to yield strength and sweetness.
We are doing more good than we know, sowing seeds, starting streamlets, giving men true thoughts of Christ, to which they will refer one day as the first things that started them thinking of Him; and, of my part, I shall be satisfied if no great mausoleum is raised over my grave, but that simple souls shall gather there when I am gone, and say,
"He was a good man; he wrought no miracles, but he spake words about Christ, which led me to know Him for myself." --George Matheson
"God calls many of His most valued workers from the unknown multitude" (Luke 14:23).
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