荒漠甘泉 Streams in the Desert
經文: 「凡你們腳掌所踏之地,我都…賜給你們了。」(書一3)
讓我們起來去佔有上帝給我們的一切產業罷。讓我們舉目向東西南北觀看,聽上帝對我們說:「凡你們所看見的一切地,我都要賜給你。」(創十三14~15)──裴爾遜(A.T. Pierson)
有一次,有人問一位年老而靈歷很深的弟兄:「但以理,為甚麼你有這樣多的平安與喜樂?」他回答說:「哦,先生,我只仆在上帝極大極寶貝的應許上,把上帝應許中一切的豐富算作我的,我就得著了,榮耀啊!榮耀啊!」凡仆在上帝應許上的,就得的上帝所有的豐富。──譯自信報(Faith Papers)
Enter Into Your Inheritance
Scripture: "Every place that the sole of your foot shall tread upon, that have I given unto you" (Joshua 1:3).
Beside the literal ground, unoccupied for Christ, there is the unclaimed, untrodden territory of Divine promises. What did God say to Joshua? "Every place that the sole of your foot shall tread upon, that have I given unto you," and then He draws the outlines of the Land of Promise--all theirs on one condition: that they shall march through the length and breadth of it, and measure it off with their own feet.
They never did that to more than one-third of the property, and consequently they never had more than one-third; they had just what they measured off, and no more.
In 2 Peter, we read of the "land of promise" that is opened up to us, and it is God's will that we should, as it were, measure off that territory by the feet of obedient faith and believing obedience, thus claiming and appropriating it for our own.
How many of us have ever taken possession of the promises of God in the name of Christ?
Here is a magnificent territory for faith to lay hold on and march through the length and breadth of, and faith has never done it yet.
Let us enter into all our inheritance. Let us lift up our eyes to the north and to the south, to the east and to the west, and hear Him say, "All the land that thou seest will I give to thee." --A. T. Pierson
Wherever Judah should set his foot that should be his; wherever Benjamin should set his foot, that should be his. Each should get his inheritance by setting his foot upon it. Now, think you not, when either had set his foot upon a given territory, he did not instantly and instinctively feel, "This is mine"?
An old colored man, who had a marvelous experience in grace, was asked: "Daniel, why is it that you have so much peace and joy in religion?" "O Massa!" he replied, "I just fall flat on the exceeding great and precious promises, and I have all that is in them. Glory! Glory!" He who falls flat on the promises feels that all the riches embraced in them are his. --Faith Papers
The Marquis of Salisbury was criticized for his Colonial policies and replied: "Gentlemen, get larger maps."
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