慕安德烈每日靈修 God's Best Secrets by Andrew Murray
經文: 「又要以耶和華為樂,祂就將你心裡所求的賜給你。」(詩篇卅七:4)
<BR> 上帝渴望住在人心中,藉此祂的愛要透過我們,引導我們,愛祂所愛,恨祂所恨,也就是凡事「以耶和華為樂。」在祂的愛與生命中,「祂就將你心裡所願的賜給你。」我們懇切的禱告,就像馨香的祭,傳到天上,天父就垂聽應允,那是因為我們的禱告,全由祂所激動帶領,所以祂必要成全。當我們以上帝的心為心,禱告怎麼會不蒙垂聽呢?
<BR> 在與上帝相交中,我們得著勇氣,敢將我們所感興趣的人,帶到上帝的面前,求祂祝福,而且也越來越有信心,相信上帝必要成就我們的禱告。當我們懷著火熱的心向人傳福音,上帝就賜下聖靈的大能幫助我們,使我們多結果子,而我們的心也因著做討上帝喜悅的事而感到滿足。<BR> 如此,我們成為上帝的同工,以祂的國為念,以救人的靈魂為己任,我們的禱告也成為救贖工作不可或缺的一環,我們更學習在付出與奉獻中,找到平安與喜樂。
<BR> 「天父哪!教導我們以您為樂,並以您的心為心,好叫我們知道如何正確的禱告,並確信上帝會應允禱告。奉耶穌的名,阿們。」
Scripture: "Delight thyself in the Lord; and He shall give thee tke desires of thine heart."—PSALMS xxxvii. 4.
God is love, an ever-flowing fountain, out of which streams the unceasing desire to make His creatures the partakers of all the holiness and the blessedness there is in Himself. This desire for the salvation of souls is in very deed God's perfect will, His highest glory.
This loving desire of God, to get His place in the heart of men, He imparts to all His children who are willing to yield themselves wholly to Him. It is in this that the likeness and image of God consist—to have a heart in which His love takes complete possession, and leads us to find spontaneously our highest joy in loving as He does.
It is thus that our text finds its fulfilment: "Delight thyself in the Lord," and in His life of love, "and He will give thee the desires of thine heart." Count upon it that the intercession of love, rising up to heaven, will be met with the fulfilment of the desire of our heart. We may be sure that, as we delight in what God delights in, such prayer is inspired by God, and will have its answer. And our prayer becomes unceasingly, "Thy desires, O my Father, are mine. Thy holy will of love is my will too."
In fellowship with Him we get the courage, with our whole will and strength, to bring the persons or the circles in which we are interested, in an ever-growing confidence, that our prayer will be heard. As we reach out in yearning love, we shall get the power to take hold of the will of God to bless, and to believe that God will work out His own blessed will in giving us the desire of our hearts, because the fulfilment of His desire has been the delight of our souls.
We then become, in the highest sense of the word, God's fellow-labourers. Our prayer becomes part of God's Divine work of reaching and saving the lost. And we learn to find our happiness in losing ourselves in the salvation of those around us.
Our Father, teach us that nothing less than delighting ourselves in Thee, and in Thy desires toward men, can inspire us to pray aright, and give us the assurance of an answer. AMEN.
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