2014年3月10日 星期一

Daily Devotion - Mar 11 - ¼}¦w¼w¯P¨C¤éÆF­× God's Best Secrets by Andrew Murray

慕安德烈每日靈修 God's Best Secrets by Andrew Murray


經文: 「除您以外,在天上我有誰呢?除您以外,在地上我也沒有所愛慕的。」(詩篇七十三:25)

<BR> 若要每天廿四小時,都保守自己的心「單獨與上帝相處」,不是件容易的事。慢慢地我們發現,原因是我們沒有「完全&#29234;主」。因&#29234;祂是全地的主,所以祂配得我們所有的敬拜,若我們沒有全心歸祂,上帝也無法彰顯祂的能力。舊約中的人物,如亞伯拉罕、摩西、以利亞,還有大衛,都是將自己毫無保留地獻給上帝,所以上帝才能在他們身上完成祂的心意。惟有一顆絕對順服的心,才能完全相信上帝所應許的福份。�
<BR> 按常理,我們都知道,若要成大事,惟有全心全意地投入。再譬如母愛,那個母親不全心全意愛她的兒女?更何況榮耀的主,豈不更把萬物和祂一同白白賜給我們(羅八:32)?特別注意「全心全意」這層意義,上帝已經把祂的命都捨給我們,我們豈不也當將心完全、毫無保留地歸給祂?�
<BR> 讓我們進到密室,默想與上帝獨處的一切,迫切地祈求上帝,讓祂復活的大能自由運行在我們身上,討祂的喜悅。�
<BR> 全心全意&#29234;上帝,這是何等大的特權!何等奇妙的恩典!我們可以暫時遠離人群,放下工作重擔,讓我們的心思意念不再遊蕩,只單單地仰望上帝,全心全意地戀慕祂。當你知道上帝將在這段時間內行何等奇妙大工,你就會迫不及待地要進到內室等候祂。�
<BR> 「你要盡心,盡性,盡意,愛主你的上帝。」(申命記六:5;馬太福音廿二:37)�
<BR> 「因他們是盡心起誓,盡意尋求耶和華,耶和華就被他們尋見。」(歷代志下十五:15)�
<BR> 「我一心尋求了您。」(詩篇一一九:10)


Scripture: &quot;Whom have I in heaven but Thee? and there is none upon earth that I desire beside Thee.&quot;—Ps. Ixxiii. 25.

Alone with God—this is a word of the deepest importance. May we seek grace from God to reach its depths. Then shall we learn that there is another word of equally deep significance—Wholly for God.
As we find that it is not easy to persevere in this being "Alone with God," we begin to realize that it is because the other is lacking: we are not "Wholly for God." Because He is the Only God, and He alone the Adorable One, God has a right to demand that He should have us wholly for Himself. Without this surrender He cannot make His power known. We read in the Old Testament that His servants, Abraham, Moses, Elijah, and David, gave themselves wholly and unreservedly to God, so that He could work out His plans through them. It is only the fully surrendered heart that can fully trust God for all He has promised.
Nature teaches us that if anyone desires to do a great work he must give himself wholly to it. This law is specially true of the love of a mother for her child. She gives herself wholly to the little one whom she loves. And shall we not think it reason&not;able that the great God of Love should have us wholly for Himself ? And shall we not take the watchword, "Wholly for God," as the keynote for our devotions, every morning as we rise? As wholly as God gives Himself to us, so wholly He desires that we give ourselves to Him.
Let us in the inner chamber meditate on these things alone with God, and with earnest desire ask Him by His almighty power to work in us all that is pleasing in His sight.
Wholly for God! What a privilege. What wonderful grace to fit us for it. Wholly for God! What separation from men, and work, and all that might draw us away. Wholly for God! What ineffable blessedness as the soul learns what it means, and what God gives with it.
"Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind" (Deut. vi. 5; Matt. xxii. 37).
"They sought Him with their whole desire, and He was found of them" (2 Chron. xv. 15).
"With my whole heart have I sought Thee" (Ps. cxix. 10).

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