2014年3月14日 星期五

Daily Devotion - Mar 15 - ¼}¦w¼w¯P¨C¤éÆF­× God's Best Secrets by Andrew Murray

慕安德烈每日靈修 God's Best Secrets by Andrew Murray


經文: 「因爲我們兩下藉著祂被一個聖靈所感,得以進到父面前。」(以弗所書二:18)

<BR> 耶穌在世最後一夜,曾論及聖靈保惠師:「到那日你們若奉我的名向父求什&#40637;,就必得著,叫你們的喜樂可以滿足。」(約十六:24)緊緊地抓住這個真理——聖靈要教導我們如何在靈裡禱告,使我們在與上帝親近時有面對面的經驗,享受主的同在。堅信聖靈要在暗中親自做工在你身上,當你安靜在上帝面前時,將自己全然委身給上帝,並順服聖靈的帶領,來引導你的禱告與敬拜。�
<BR> 耶穌在要升天的那個夜晚對門徒說:「要領受聖靈。」這是指五旬節那天門徒要被聖靈充滿而言。但這也提示我們三件事:�
<BR> 第一,我們禱告時深信聖靈內住在我們心中,並要明確地引導我們前面的道路。�
<BR> 第二,聖靈偉大的工作就是要回應祈禱者的需要,照明他心中的疑惑,並強化屬靈的生命。
<BR> 第三,我們相信藉著聖靈,我們與弟兄姐妹相契合,同心禱告,聖靈就要大大做工在祂的教會與百姓身上。�
<BR> 「信我的人,就如經上所說,從他的腹中要流出活水的江河來。」(約翰福音七:38)


Scripture: &quot;Through Him we both have access by one Spirit unto the Father.&quot;—EPH. ii. 18.

In our communion with God in the inner chamber, we must guard against the danger of seeking to know God and Christ in the power of the intellect or the emotions. The Holy Spirit has been given for the express purpose that "by Him we may have access to the Father through the Son." Let us beware lest our labour be in vain, because we do not wait for the teaching of the Spirit.
Christ taught His disciples this truth in the last night. Speaking of the coming of the Comforter, He says: "In that day ye shall ask the Father in My name; ask, and ye shall receive, that your joy may be full." Hold fast the truth that the Holy Spirit was given with the one great object of teaching us to pray. He makes the fellowship with the Father and the Son a blessed reality. Be strong in the faith that He is working secretly in you As you enter the inner chamber, give yourself wholly to His guidance as your Teacher in all your intercession and adoration.
When Christ said to the disciples on the evening of the resur&not;rection day, "Receive ye the Holy Ghost," it was, for one thing, to strengthen and fit them for the ten days of prayer, and their receiving the fulness of the Spirit. This suggests to us three things we ought to remember when we draw nigh to God in prayer:
First.—We must pray in the confidence that the Holy Spirit dwells in us, and yield ourselves, in stillness of soul, definitely to His leading. Take time for this.
Second.—We must believe that the "greater works" of the Spirit for the enlightening and strengthening of the spiritual life —the fulness of the Spirit—will be given in answer to prayer.
Third.—We must believe that through the Spirit, in unity with all God's children, we may ask and expect the mighty work&not;ings of that Spirit on His Church and people.
"He that believeth on Me, as the Scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water" (John vii. 38).
"Believest thou this?"

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