荒漠甘泉 Streams in the Desert
經文: 「那鬼喊叫,使孩子大大的抽了一陣瘋,就出來了。」(可九26)
惡者從來不肯放棄牠的地盤,除非先有一陣激烈的爭戰。我們得到屬靈的產業,並不是在宴樂中得到的,乃是在戰場上得到的。這是屬靈的秘密,我們身體的各部要恢復屬靈的自由,必須要有寶血的代價。亞玻倫(啟九11)不是能用情誼、禮貌、要求,請出來的;牠在裡面高視闊步;所以我們必須用屬靈的武力、寶血和眼淚,驅逐牠,牠纔會出去。這一點我們必須記得,否則我們生活中會有許多誤解。我們重生並不是重生在王宮中,乃是重生在曠野那裡;我們喫的奶,就是四周的風波和爭戰。「我們進入上帝的國,必須經歷許多艱難。」(徒十四22)──喬懷德(Dr. Jowett)
The Price of Freedom
Scripture: "And the spirit cried, and rent him sore, and came out of him" (Mark 9:26).
Evil never surrenders its hold without a sore fight. We never pass into any spiritual inheritance through the delightful exercises of a picnic, but always through the grim contentions of the battle field. It is so in the secret realm of the soul. Every faculty which wins its spiritual freedom does so at the price of blood. Apollyon is not put to flight by a courteous request; he straddles across the full breadth of the way, and our progress has to be registered in blood and tears. This we must remember or we shall add to all the other burdens of life the gall of misinterpretation. We are not "born again" into soft and protected nurseries, but in the open country where we suck strength from the very terror of the tempest. "We must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God." Dr. J. H. Jowett
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