信心的支票簿 Faith's check book 救拔之力 經文: 「耶和華開了瞎子的眼睛,耶和華扶起被壓下的人。耶和華喜愛義人。」(詩篇一百四十六︰8) 我們覺得被迫屈服低頭嗎﹖讓我們在上帝面前重申祂的應許。這是祂的應許,祂做事的方式,祂喜歡救拔那些受壓的人。現在你可曾有罪惡感,或靈性低潮、受罪縈繞轄制你?在這樣情況下,這就是耶穌的工作,祂要救拔你,把你帶到安息之地。喔,主啊,為�慈悲的緣故,我讚美您! 你是否到了走頭無路、山窮水盡的地步?別憂愁,上帝要來安慰你,這是何等大的恩典,三位一體的真神竟成為你的安慰者,祂要把你的事當做祂的事來關心並處理。 有些人潦到至一個地步,只有耶穌能幫助他,耶穌不但「能」幫助,而且「肯」幫助。祂樂見我們健康、快樂、充滿希望。耶穌從前曾助你渡過各樣難關,祂今天依然要幫助你到底。你雖被困受壓在谷底,但上帝必救拔,使你高昇,那些平日嘲笑你的,今日也要抱愧蒙羞而逃。 這是多麼大的尊榮,偉大的主竟救拔我們!所以,即使行過死蔭幽谷,是值得的,因為這樣才能經歷上帝救拔的大能。 Power to Raise Scripture: "The LORD openeth the eyes of the blind: the LORD raiseth them that are bowed down"(Psalm l46:8). Am I bowed down? Then let me urge this word of grace before the LORD. It is His way, His custom, His promise, His delight, to raise up them that are bowed down. Is it a sense of sin and a consequent depression of spirit which distresses me? Then the work of Jesus is, in this case, made and provided to raise me up into rest. O LORD, raise me, for Thy mercy's sake! Is it a sad bereavement or a great fall in circumstances? Here again the Comforter has undertaken to console. What a mercy for us that one Person of the sacred Trinity should become the Comforter! This work will be well done since such a glorious One has made it His peculiar care. Some are so bowed down that only Jesus can loose them from their infirmity, but He can, and He will, do it. He can raise us up to health, to hope, to happiness. He has often done so under former trials, and He is the same Savior and will repeat His deeds of lovingkindness. We who are today bowed down and sorrowful shalt yet be set on high, and those who now mock at us shall be greatly ashamed. What an honor to be raised up by the LORD! It is worthwhile to be bowed down that we may experience His upraising power. |
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2014年4月21日 星期一
Daily Devotion - Apr 22 - ?H?sao?a2?A‾ Faith's check book
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