慕安德烈每日靈修 God's Best Secrets by Andrew Murray 信心的生活 經文: 「我已經與耶穌基督同釘十字架,現在活著的,不再是我,乃是基督在我裡面活著。」(加拉太書二:20) 若我們問保羅何謂「現在活著的不再是我,乃是基督在我裡面活著」,這經文對他究竟有什麼意義?他會說:「我現在在肉身活著的生命,是一個因信上帝兒子耶穌在我裡面的生命,祂愛我,為我捨命。」他的一生,每天每時每刻,都是因信活在耶穌愛裡的生命。信心是一種力量,它能掌管我們整個人,以及我們的行為舉止。 這兒我們對真正基督徒生活的祕訣,有個簡單且完備的描述;我們不是對上帝某幾個應許有信心,也不是對某幾個福份特別有心得,而是一種嶄新的看見,就是耶穌基督將祂整個人全然給我們,而且是深入徹底的,涵蓋每天的每時每刻,就像我們需要時時刻刻「呼吸」來維生一樣,我們也是用「不止息」的信心,完全把自己交託給耶穌,相信祂每時每刻都扶持掌管著我們裡面這個人。 信心更是一種「全然的安息」在那廣大無邊的愛裡,相信耶穌要藉我們再活一次,我們是祂的器皿、肢體。因著祂的無所不在、無所不能,祂可以充滿在我們裡面,成為我們全人完全的救主,掌管我們的心思意念,及每一部份。就如同天父與耶穌合而為一,耶穌所行皆天父旨意;同樣,耶穌住在我們裡面,祂也要做工在我們裡面,藉我們行出祂的旨意。 藉著聖靈的教導與帶領,我們絕對相信這位無所不知、無所不能的上帝,可以全天候廿四小時住在我們裡面,成為我們一切的一切。 「靠著那加給我力量的,凡事都能做。」上帝向我們明示我們與耶穌之間,可以合而為一,耶穌的同在,可以像我們肉身的存在那樣,是可以感覺意識到的。 THE FAITH LIFE Scripture: "That life which I now live in the flesh, I live in faith, the faith which is in the Son of God, Who loved me and gave Him¬self up for me."—GAL. ii. 20. R. V. If we ask Paul what he meant by saying that he no longer lives, but that Christ lives in him, what now is his part in living that life? he gives us the answer: "The life that I now live in the flesh is the life of faith in the Son of God, Who loved me and gave Himself up for me." His whole life, day by day and all the day, was an unceasing faith in the wonderful love that had given itself for him. Faith was the power that possessed and permeated his whole being and his every action. Here we have the simple but full statement of what the secret of the true Christian life is. It is not faith only in certain promises of God, or in certain blessings that we receive from Christ. It is a faith that has got a vision of how entirely Christ gives Himself to the soul to be, in the very deepest and fullest sense of the word, his life and all that that implies for every moment of the day. As essential as continuous breathing is to the support of our physical life, is the unceasing faith in which the soul trusts Christ, and counts upon Him to maintain the life of the Spirit within us. Faith ever rests on that infinite love in which Christ gave Himself wholly for us, to be ours in the deepest meaning of the word, and to live His life over again in us. In virtue of His Divine omnipresence, whereby He filleth all things, He can be to each what He is to all, a complete and perfect Saviour, an abiding Guest, in very deed taking charge and maintaining our life in us and for us, as if each of us were the only one in whom He lives. Just as truly as the Father lived in Him, and worked in Him all that He was to work out, just as truly will Christ live and work in each one of us. Faith, led and taught by God's Holy Spirit, gets such a con¬fidence in the omnipotence and the omnipresence of Christ that it carries in the depth of the heart the abiding unbroken assurance all the day: He that loved me, and gave Himself for me, He lives in me; He is in very deed my life and my all. "I can do all things through Christ Who strengthened me." May God reveal to us that inseparable union between Christ and us in which the consciousness of Christ's presence may become as natural to us as the consciousness of our existence. |
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2014年4月23日 星期三
Daily Devotion - Apr 24 - ?}|w?w‾P‥C?eAF-× God's Best Secrets by Andrew Murray
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