司布真每日靈修(夜) Evening by Evening 四月二十九日 經文: 耶和華喜愛祂的百姓。(詩篇一四九:4) 耶穌的愛足以滿足祂百姓一切的需要。對他們有好處的事,沒有一件對祂是不重要的。祂以你為永恆的,但是祂也明白你是不免一死的。「就是你們的頭髮也都被數過了。」(太十:30)「義人的腳步被耶和華立定,他的道路耶和華也喜愛。」(詩三十七:23)祂愛的外袍遮蓋我們所有的顧慮。信徒啊,耶穌的心關懷你日常的事務,你可以安心。祂溫柔的愛極其豐盛,你盡可以將所有的事交託給祂。「父親怎樣憐恤他的兒女,耶和華也怎樣憐恤敬畏他的人。」(詩一○三:13)所有聖徒的好處皆包含在上帝愛子的寬廣胸懷中。祂的心懷容納祂所有的百姓各種不同的、數不清的顧慮。你以為自己能量度基督的愛嗎?請思想祂的愛所帶給你的──稱義、接納、成聖和永生。祂的慈愛之豐盛是不可思議的。哦,基督的愛實在無可匹配!我豈能只以自己一半的心來接受如此浩大的愛?我們豈能以冷淡回報?我們豈能淡漠地回應,並耽延稱頌耶穌奇妙的仁慈大愛和溫柔關懷?調整你的心,歡唱感恩之歌!安心睡覺吧,因為你不是被棄的流浪者,而是蒙愛的孩子!主看顧你、關懷你、供應你、並且保守你。 Evening, April 29 Scripture: "The Lord taketh pleasure in his people."(Psalm 149:4) How comprehensive is the love of Jesus! There is no part of his people's interests which he does not consider, and there is nothing which concerns their welfare which is not important to him. Not merely does he think of you, believer, as an immortal being, but as a mortal being too. Do not deny it or doubt it: "The very hairs of your head are all numbered." "The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and he delighteth in his way." It were a sad thing for us if this mantle of love did not cover all our concerns, for what mischief might be wrought to us in that part of our business which did not come under our gracious Lord's inspection! Believer, rest assured that the heart of Jesus cares about your meaner affairs. The breadth of his tender love is such that you may resort to him in all matters; for in all your afflictions he is afflicted, and like as a father pitieth his children, so doth he pity you. The meanest interests of all his saints are all borne upon the broad bosom of the Son of God. Oh, what a heart is his, that doth not merely comprehend the persons of his people, but comprehends also the diverse and innumerable concerns of all those persons! Dost thou think, O Christian, that thou canst measure the love of Christ? Think of what his love has brought thee—justification, adoption, sanctification, eternal life! The riches of his goodness are unsearchable; thou shalt never be able to tell them out or even conceive them. Oh, the breadth of the love of Christ! Shall such a love as this have half our hearts? Shall it have a cold love in return? Shall Jesus' marvellous lovingkindness and tender care meet with but faint response and tardy acknowledgment? O my soul, tune thy harp to a glad song of thanksgiving! Go to thy rest rejoicing, for thou art no desolate wanderer, but a beloved child, watched over, cared for, supplied, and defended by thy Lord. |
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2014年4月28日 星期一
Daily Devotion - Apr 29 - ¥q¥?‾u‥C?eAF-×(c]) Evening by Evening
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