慕安德烈每日靈修 God's Best Secrets by Andrew Murray 恩典的上帝 經文: 「那賜諸般恩典的上帝曾在基督裡召你們,得享祂永遠的榮耀,等你們暫受苦難之後,必要親自成全你們,堅固你們,賜力量給你們。」(彼得前書五:10) 如同希伯來書中寶貴的應許:「賜平安的上帝,在各樣事上成全你們,叫你們遵行祂的旨意。」彼得前書也有類似的寶貴應許:「賜諸般恩典的上帝,要成全你、堅固你,賜力量給你們。」上帝是我們每天為之而活的對象,當我們想到我們的工作、我們的需要、我們的渴望,上帝必須是我們希望所託,生活的重心。 就如同上帝是宇宙的主宰,是一切能力的源頭,星球的運轉,四季的更替,都由上帝調度吩咐;同樣的,在信徒心中,上帝也必須居首位,在每天的開始,我們必須這樣禱告:上帝啊!我單單地為您而活,我今天能為您做什麼? 我們現在屬靈的光景是如何?我們是否每天都謙卑地來到上帝面前,承認我們的軟弱無助,並像孩童般單純地將自己放在上帝手中,求祂按著祂的應許成就一切:「賜平安的上帝,在各樣事上成全你們,叫你們遵行祂旨意。」「賜諸般恩典的上帝,要成全你、堅固你、賜力量給你們。」 在另一本書:「如何敬拜上帝」我們學到每天早晨到上帝面前安靜禱告,領受祂的恩典,給祂時間,讓祂向我們顯現自己,是何等要緊的事。這樣的信息,不也同樣出現在彼得前書的經文中嗎?對於我和上帝之間的關係,我們該有這樣的體悟:新的一天開始,我一切的生活、工作或計劃,都在上帝的手中,我的心安息在祂穩若磐石的話語上:「賜平安的上帝,要在各樣的事工上成全我們,行各樣的善事。」「賜諸般恩典的上帝,要全成你,堅固你,賜力量給你。」 靠著上帝的恩典,每天早上醒來出門前,就將自己交託在上帝的手中,並且默念祂的應許:「上帝要親自成全那關乎我的事。」 慈愛的天父,我尋求您的面,求您施恩打開我的心眼,看到你要藉著耶穌基督所要成就的善工,而且你等著要做工在我們每一個人心中,就像您曾在聖徒身上所做的工,他們就將榮耀全歸於您。 THE GOD OF ALL GRACE Scripture: "The God of all grace, Who called you unto His eternal glory in Christ, shall Himself perfect, stablish, strengthen you, after ye have suffered a little while."—1 PETER v. 10. We know how the Epistle to the Hebrews gathers up all its teaching in that wonderful promise, "the God of peace perfect you in every good work." Peter does the same thing here: "The God of all grace perfect, stablish, strengthen you." God Himself is to be the one object of our trust, day by day; as we think of our work, of our needs, of our life and all our hearts' desire, God Himself must be the one object of our hope and trust. Just as God is the centre of the universe, the one source of its strength, the one Guide that orders and controls its movements, so God must have the same place in the life of the believer. With every new day the first and chief thought ought to be—God, God alone, can fit me this day to live as He would have me. And what is now to be our position towards this God? Do we not feel that the first thought of every day ought to be the humble placing of ourselves in His hands to confess our absolute helplessness, and to yield ourselves in childlike surrender to receive from Him the fulfilment of such promises as these: "The God of peace perfecting you in every good work": "the God of all grace perfecting, stablishing, strengthening you"? Some of us have learned in the section on "The Secret of Adoration, how absolutely indispensable it is to meet God every morning and give Him time to reveal Himself and to take charge of our life for the day. Is not this just what we have to do with these wonderful words of Peter? Until it be an understood thing between God and ourselves: Blessed Father, in view of the life and work of this new day, my heart is resting on Thee; my hope is in Thy Word: "The God of peace perfect you in every good work": "the God of all grace perfect, stablish, strengthen you." By Thy grace may this henceforth be the spirit in which I awake every morning to go out to my work, humbly trusting in the word: "God shall Himself perfect you. The Lord will perfect that which concerneth me." Ever blessed Father, be pleased, I beseech Thee, to open the eyes of Thy children to the vision that even as Thy Son was perfected for evermore, so Thou art waiting to work in each of us that work of perfecting Thy saints in which Thy glory will be seen. |
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2014年4月29日 星期二
Daily Devotion - Apr 30 - ?}|w?w‾P‥C?eAF-× God's Best Secrets by Andrew Murray
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