司布真每日靈修(日) Morning by Morning 五月一日 經文: 「祂的兩腮如香花畦,如香草台。」(雅歌五:13) 風調雨順的四月,帶來百花怒放的五月,遍地滿了綠意生氣。「香花畦」對我們而言是很熟悉的,我們常常聞到它的香氣,立刻就近這位親愛的救主吧!你會發現祂全然可愛,滿了馨香之氣。原本被人唾棄、擊打,滿了傷痕和憂戚淚水的面龐,如今換成燦然微笑的容顏,這對我而言,是何等感人欣喜的事。 主啊,我要由衷地來讚美您,您的雙頰曾被憂傷犁過,您的額頭曾被尖銳的荊棘刺破,殷紅的血是愛的記號,其吸引力遠勝「香草台」。在耶穌基督裡,不只聞到香氣,乃是看到一畦的香花,而且不只是一種花,乃是各式各樣的花。祂是我心中的玫瑰花、百合花、鳳仙花,有祂同在,我如沐春風,靈魂被滌淨,心靈得安慰。親愛的主啊!讓我深信您應許的寶貴,知道藉著不間歇與您綿密的契合,那屬天的福份永遠屬於我。 Morning, May 1 Scripture: "His cheeks are as a bed of spices, as sweet flowers."(Song of Solomon 5:13) Lo, the flowery month is come! March winds and April showers have done their work, and the earth is all bedecked with beauty. Come my soul, put on thine holiday attire and go forth to gather garlands of heavenly thoughts. Thou knowest whither to betake thyself, for to thee "the beds of spices" are well known, and thou hast so often smelt the perfume of "the sweet flowers," that thou wilt go at once to thy well-beloved and find all loveliness, all joy in him. That cheek once so rudely smitten with a rod, oft bedewed with tears of sympathy and then defiled with spittle—that cheek as it smiles with mercy is as fragrant aromatic to my heart. Thou didst not hide thy face from shame and spitting, O Lord Jesus, and therefore I will find my dearest delight in praising thee. Those cheeks were furrowed by the plough of grief, and crimsoned with red lines of blood from thy thorn-crowned temples; such marks of love unbounded cannot but charm my soul far more than "pillars of perfume." If I may not see the whole of his face I would behold his cheeks, for the least glimpse of him is exceedingly refreshing to my spiritual sense and yields a variety of delights. In Jesus I find not only fragrance, but a bed of spices; not one flower, but all manner of sweet flowers. He is to me my rose and my lily, my heart's- ease and my cluster of camphire. When he is with me it is May all the year round, and my soul goes forth to wash her happy face in the morning-dew of his grace, and to solace herself with the singing of the birds of his promises. Precious Lord Jesus, let me in very deed know the blessedness which dwells in abiding, unbroken fellowship with thee. I am a poor worthless one, whose cheek thou hast deigned to kiss! O let me kiss thee in return with the kisses of my lips. |
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2014年4月30日 星期三
Daily Devotion - May 1 - ¥q¥?‾u‥C?eAF-×(?e) Morning by Morning
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