2014年5月1日 星期四

Daily Devotion - May 2 - ?H?sao?a2?A‾ Faith's check book

信心的支票簿 Faith's check book


經文: 「順著聖靈撒種的,必從聖靈收永生。」(加拉太書六︰8)

撒種的工作,常有石沈大海的,看不出來有什麼回饋收穫。尤其順著聖靈撒種更是如此,我們攻克己身,叫身服我,也感覺不到有什麼立竿見影的效果。然而,我們若是不靠感覺,堅定地站在上帝話語的磐石上,順服祂的旨意,信靠祂的應許,就不認為徒做虛功,因為永生就是我們的獎賞。 因著我們更多認識上帝,與上帝更親密,更享受上帝自己,我們的生命就更加擴充、進深,有如一條河,逐漸加寬、變深,直奔大海汪洋,到那時,我們就要與上帝永遠、無限的生命相接合。 切莫順著情慾撒種,因那必帶來敗壞。讓我們約束己心,行事節制,為了榮耀愛我們的主,願意順服祂聖靈的帶領,追求那更高尚、純潔的目標。永生的福份,是何等大的一個獎賞!為了聖子耶穌的緣故,讓我們向著標竿直跑吧!

Spiritual Sowing

Scripture: "He that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap Life Everlasting"(Galatians 6:8).

Sowing looks like a losing business, for we put good corn into the ground never to see it anymore. Sowing to the Spirit seems a very fanciful, dreamy business; for we deny ourselves and apparently get nothing for it. Yet if we sow to the Spirit by studying to live unto God, seeking to obey the will of God, and laying ourselves out to promote His honor, we shall not sow in vain. Life shall be our reward, even everlasting life. This we enjoy here as we enter into the knowledge of God, communion with God, and enjoyment of God. This life flows on like an ever-deepening, ever-widening river till it bears us to the ocean of infinite felicity, where the life of God is ours forever and ever. Let us not this day sow to our flesh, for the harvest will be corruption, since flesh always tends that way; but with holy self-conquest let us live for the highest, purest, and most spiritual ends, seeking to honor our most holy LORD by obeying His most gracious Spirit. What a harvest will that be when we reap life everlasting! What sheaves of endless bliss will be reaped! What a festival will that harvest be! LORD, make us such reapers, for thy Son's sake.



