荒漠甘泉 Streams in the Desert
經文: 「住在地極的人,因人的神跡懼怕。您使日出日落之地都歡呼。」(詩65:8)
早晨的純潔之光,使我的心渴慕真理,惟有這種仰望真理之心,能使我純潔如早晨,使我和周圍的自然交響樂和諧合拍起來。日出時吹來的風,使我盼望上帝,祂曾首先把生命的呼吸,吸進我鼻孔;盼望祂始終以祂的生氣和生命來充滿我,使我所想的只是祂的思想,所過的只是祂的生活,在我自己的生命中,只發現永�的光榮。假若沒有上帝的夜和早晨,我們這些可憐的人類該怎樣辦呢?——麥克唐納(George MacDonald)
The Lord's Times
Scripture: "Thou makest the outgoing of the morning and evening to rejoice" (Ps. 65:8).
Get up early and go to the mountain and watch God make a morning. The dull gray will give way as God pushes the sun towards the horizon, and there will be tints and hues of every shade, that will blend into one perfect light as the full-orbed sun bursts into view. As the King of day moves forth majestically, flooding the earth and every lowly vale, listen to the music of heaven's choir as it sings of the majesty of God and the glory of the morning."
The clear, pure light of the morning made me long for the truth in my heart, which alone could make me pure and clear as the morning, tune me up to the concert-pitch of the nature around me. And the wind that blew from the sunrise made me hope in the God who had first breathed into my nostrils the breath of life; that He would at length so fill me with His breath, His mind, His Spirit, that I should think only His thoughts, and live His life, finding therein my own life, only glorified infinitely. What should we poor humans do without our God's nights and mornings? --George MacDonald
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