2013年11月10日 星期日

Daily Devotion - Nov 11 - ¯îºz¥Ì¬u Streams in the Desert

荒漠甘泉 Streams in the Desert


經文: 「祂必降臨,像雨降在已割的草地上。」(詩七十二6)

要得到一塊柔潤的草地,唯一的方法就是常常割草;要得到一個溫柔、和平、憐憫的心,唯一的方法就是常經上帝的鐮刀割修。當草剛割好,嫩枝還在出血的時候,能有一陣柔細、溫暖的小雨降在上面,是非常舒服的。所以經上也說:「…. 雨降在已割的草地上。」


Lawn Care

Scripture: "He shall come down like rain upon the mown grass" (Ps. 72:6).

Amos speaks of the king's mowings. Our King has many scythes, and is perpetually mowing His lawns. The musical tinkle of the whetstone on the scythe portends the cutting down of myriads of green blades, daisies and other flowers. Beautiful as they were in the morning, within an hour or two they lie in long, faded rows.

Thus in human life we make a brave show, before the scythe of pain, the shears of disappointment, the sickle of death.

There is no method of obtaining a velvety lawn but by repeated mowings; and there is no way of developing tenderness, evenness, sympathy, but by the passing of God's scythes. How constantly the Word of God compares man to grass, and His glory to its flower! But when grass is mown, and all the tender shoots are bleeding, and desolation reigns where flowers were bursting, it is the most acceptable time for showers of rain falling soft and warm.

O soul, thou hast been mown! Time after time the King has come to thee with His sharp scythe. Do not dread the scythe--it is sure to be followed by the shower. --F. B. Meyer


