荒漠甘泉 Streams in the Desert
經文: 「一粒麥子不落在地�死了,仍舊是一粒;若是死了,就結出許多子粒來。」(約12:24)
這位年輕的傳教士對於基督事業的多少希望和多少期待,都隨著他的遺體進入墳墓,關於他的工作,現在只留下親切的回憶和幾十個淺黑皮膚的印第安信徒。然而那位德高望重的清聖徒約拿單˙愛德華茲曾希望大衛成為他的女婿,他把大衛一生事蹟收集在一本小冊子�;而這本小冊子竟插翅飛過海洋,落到劍橋大學一個學生亨利˙馬廷(Henry Martyn)的桌上。
這種浪費達到什麼目的呢?從佈雷奈德的古墓中,和遠在黑海海濱的馬廷墳墓中,已興起了現代傳教士的浩蕩大軍。──培根(Leonard Woolsey Bacon)
Only Through Death
Scripture: "Except a grain of wheat fall into the ground and die, it remains a single grain, but if it dies away in the ground, the grain is freed to spring up in a plant bearing many grains" (John 12:24).
Go to the old burying ground of Northampton, Mass., and look upon the early grave of David Brainerd, beside that of the fair Jerusha Edwards, whom he loved but did not live to wed.
What hopes, what expectations for Christ's cause went down to the grave with the wasted form of that young missionary of whose work nothing now remained but the dear memory, and a few score of swarthy Indian converts! But that majestic old Puritan saint, Jonathan Edwards, who had hoped to call him his son, gathered up the memorials of his life in a little book, and the little book took wings and flew beyond the sea, and alighted on the table of a Cambridge student, Henry Martyn.
Poor Martyn! Why should he throw himself away, with all his scholarship, his genius, his opportunities! What had he accomplished when he turned homeward from "India's coral strand," broken in health, and dragged himself northward as far as that dreary khan at Tocat by the Black Sea, where he crouched under the piled-up saddles, to cool his burning fever against the earth, and there died alone?
To what purpose was this waste? Out of that early grave of Brainerd, and the lonely grave of Martyn far away by the splashing of the Euxine Sea, has sprung the noble army of modern missionaries. --Leonard Woolsey Bacon
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經文: 「一粒麥子不落在地�死了,仍舊是一粒;若是死了,就結出許多子粒來。」(約12:24)
這位年輕的傳教士對於基督事業的多少希望和多少期待,都隨著他的遺體進入墳墓,關於他的工作,現在只留下親切的回憶和幾十個淺黑皮膚的印第安信徒。然而那位德高望重的清聖徒約拿單˙愛德華茲曾希望大衛成為他的女婿,他把大衛一生事蹟收集在一本小冊子�;而這本小冊子竟插翅飛過海洋,落到劍橋大學一個學生亨利˙馬廷(Henry Martyn)的桌上。
這種浪費達到什麼目的呢?從佈雷奈德的古墓中,和遠在黑海海濱的馬廷墳墓中,已興起了現代傳教士的浩蕩大軍。──培根(Leonard Woolsey Bacon)
Only Through Death
Scripture: "Except a grain of wheat fall into the ground and die, it remains a single grain, but if it dies away in the ground, the grain is freed to spring up in a plant bearing many grains" (John 12:24).
Go to the old burying ground of Northampton, Mass., and look upon the early grave of David Brainerd, beside that of the fair Jerusha Edwards, whom he loved but did not live to wed.
What hopes, what expectations for Christ's cause went down to the grave with the wasted form of that young missionary of whose work nothing now remained but the dear memory, and a few score of swarthy Indian converts! But that majestic old Puritan saint, Jonathan Edwards, who had hoped to call him his son, gathered up the memorials of his life in a little book, and the little book took wings and flew beyond the sea, and alighted on the table of a Cambridge student, Henry Martyn.
Poor Martyn! Why should he throw himself away, with all his scholarship, his genius, his opportunities! What had he accomplished when he turned homeward from "India's coral strand," broken in health, and dragged himself northward as far as that dreary khan at Tocat by the Black Sea, where he crouched under the piled-up saddles, to cool his burning fever against the earth, and there died alone?
To what purpose was this waste? Out of that early grave of Brainerd, and the lonely grave of Martyn far away by the splashing of the Euxine Sea, has sprung the noble army of modern missionaries. --Leonard Woolsey Bacon
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