2013年11月15日 星期五

Daily Devotion - Nov 15 - ¯îºz¥Ì¬u Streams in the Desert

荒漠甘泉 Streams in the Desert


經文: 「被壓太重,力不能勝。」(林後一8) 「好叫基督的能力覆庇我。」(林後十二9)





上帝給我們困難和障礙,為的是要對付我們的信心。我們在日常的道路上,如果遭遇甚麼障礙,我們就該認識它們是裝信心的器皿,立刻拿主的豐富和「夠用」去裝滿它們;當我們前進,簡簡單單、完完全全信靠的時候,我們也許還會受到試驗,我們也許還需要忍耐等候;但是無論如何,到了最後,我們一定會看見石頭輥開,主耶穌等著賜恩給我們的。──信宣(A. B. Simpson)

Through Faith

Scripture: "Pressed out of measure" (2 Cor. 1:8)."That the power of Christ may rest upon me" (2 Cor. 12:9).

God allowed the crisis to close around Jacob on the night when he bowed at Peniel in supplication, to bring him to the place where he could take hold of God as he never would have done; and from that narrow pass of peril, Jacob became enlarged in his faith and knowledge of God, and in the power of a new and victorious life.

God had to compel David, by a long and painful discipline of years, to learn the almighty power and faithfulness of his God, and grow up into the established principles of faith and godliness, which were indispensable for his glorious career as the king of Israel.

Nothing but the extremities in which Paul was constantly placed could ever have taught him, and taught the Church through him, the full meaning of the great promise he so learned to claim, "My grace is sufficient for thee."

And nothing but our trials and perils would ever have led some of us to know Him as we do, to trust Him as we have, and to draw from Him the measures of grace which our very extremities made indispensable.

Difficulties and obstacles are God's challenges to faith. When hindrances confront us in the path of duty, we are to recognize them as vessels for faith to fill with the fullness and all-sufficiency of Jesus; and as we go forward, simply and fully trusting Him, we may be tested, we may have to wait and let patience have her perfect work; but we shall surely find at last the stone rolled away, and the Lord waiting to render unto us double for our time of testing. --A. B. Simpson

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