经文: 创世记23:1-6, 16-20 "求你们在这里给我一块地, 我好埋葬我的死人, 使她不在我眼前。" 创23:4 | Scripture: Genesis 23:1-6, 16-20 "Sell me some property for a burial site here so I can bury my dead." Genesis 23:4 |
很多墓地看来都一样 —— 整洁的草坪、雕刻精致的墓碑、鲜花。在墓地里, 你会见到或老或少、各种不同信仰的人的坟墓。没有人能逃避死亡及坟墓, 亚伯拉罕明白这点。 亚伯拉罕本来可以在当地最好的墓地埋葬爱妻撒拉的, 但他婉言谢绝了这个好意。既离开了昔日的家乡, 他同时也放下了那里的人的殡葬习俗, 他不必再依循吾珥对死亡的看法, 也不受制于迦南地的风俗。现在亚伯拉罕新的责任是坚守神的应许, 所以他坚持要买一块墓地, 以这地表达他对这个新的责任的委身。 亚伯拉罕握着神的应许, 把撒拉埋葬在麦比拉洞。将来亚伯拉罕自己、儿子以撒, 和孙子雅各, 也会葬在那里。对, 和所有人一样, 他们也会死去和被埋葬, 但因着耶和华的应许, 他们将会有一个永恒的天家。 基督徒去世时, 埋葬的事已因耶稣基督而变得不一样了, 因为他们会带着复活的盼望而被埋葬。无论是生是死, 基督徒不必依循这个世界的风俗, 最重要的是靠赖主所赐宝贵的永生的应许。 | Many cemeteries look alike: well-kept lawns, sculpted memorial stones, flowers. You'll find the graves of old and young and people from all kinds of religions. No one escapes death or the grave. Abraham knew that. Abraham could have buried his beloved Sarah in the choicest plot of the community cemetery. But he refused that hospitality. Having abandoned his old homeland, he had also left behind the ancient burial customs of his people. He was no longer obligated to Ur's culture of death, nor would he be obligated by the customs of Canaan. Abraham insisted on buying a plot, property dedicated to his new obligation: God's promises. In the cave of Machpelah Abraham buried Sarah in the hope of God's promises. Abraham himself, his son Isaac, and his grandson Jacob would also be buried there. They would die and be buried like everyone else, but their grave would be different. When Christian believers die, they are buried in a grave made holy by Jesus Christ. They are buried in the hope of the resurrection to eternal life. In life and in death, Christians are no longer obligated to the world's way of death, only to the Lord and his promise of life. Christians worship on Sundays to remember Christ's resurrection. Praise him today for preparing a place for you, in life and in death. |
祷告主啊, 无论是生是死, 我的身体和灵魂都不属于我自己, 乃是属于祢, 因祢已经用祢的宝血还清我的罪债, 并赐我们一个永生的应许, 愿我们因着这个应许, 今天好好的活着, 来回报祢的大爱。奉耶稣名祈求, 阿们。 | PrayerI am not my own, Lord, but belong to you, body and soul, in life and in death. You have fully paid for my sins with your blood and freed me from the devil's tyranny. In Jesus' name, Amen. |
今天经文: 创世记23:1-6, 16-201 撒拉享寿一百二十七岁, 这是撒拉一生的岁数。 回到页顶 |