2013年12月13日 星期五

Daily Devotion - Dec 14 - ¼}¦w¼w¯P¨C¤éÆF­× God's Best Secrets by Andrew Murray

慕安德烈每日靈修 God's Best Secrets by Andrew Murray


經文: 「我又看見寶座與四活物並長老之中,有羔羊站立,像是被殺過的,有七角七眼,就是上帝的七靈,奉差遣往普天下去的。」(啟示錄五:6)






Scripture: "I saw . . . a Lamb standing, as though it had been slain, having seven horns, and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God, sent forth into all the earth."—REV. v. 6.

In the fourth chapter of The Revelation we read that John had seen "seven lamps of fire burning before the Throne, which are the seven Spirits of God." In our text we see that these Spirits have been taken up into the life of the Lamb: they are His eyes; and through them He works in all the earth. When the Lamb was upon earth, He was obedient to God's Spirit in all things— "Through the Eternal Spirit He offered Himself unto God." This is why His blood has such divine power, and why the Father gave Him unlimited power to pour out the Holy Spirit in full measure on whom He would.

Let us learn two great lessons. The first, that the Lamb on the Throne has power to fill us with the Holy Spirit, and enable us to follow Him fully, and so fit us to commune with God in the power of the blood, and be more than conquerors. The second, that it is only through the Spirit that we shall understand the glory of the Lamb and be filled with His love, and so stand firm in the faith of that which He can do in us and for us and through us. Beloved Christian, let the Song of the Lamb ring in your ears continually. The Lamb who was slain is worthy to receive the power and the glory. God has exalted Him to the Throne and | has put all things under His feet. Do you not long to give Him the place of honor in your heart, and in fervent love submit all I that you have to Him and His service? The glory of heaven is the worship of the Lamb and of Him that sitteth on the Throne. You, too, may experience the glory of redemption as you tarry at the Throne of Grace. Do not rest until in silent adoration and deep humility the song of the Lamb arises as incense before God. "Unto Him that sitteth on the Throne and unto the Lamb, be the blessing and the honour, and the glory, and the dominion for ever and ever." Amen.

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