2013年12月13日 星期五

Daily Devotion - Dec 14 - «H¤ßªº¤ä²¼Ã¯ Faith's check book

信心的支票簿 Faith's check book


經文: ��「坐寶座的說:看哪,我將一切都更新了!」(啟示錄廿一︰5)'U�Z�

榮耀當歸給上帝!萬物都被罪惡污染、破壞得慘不忍睹,上帝來了,要更新這一切。這世界要像一件舊衣服,被捲起擱置一邊,然後穿上主日的新衣裳。除了上帝自己,沒有人能 做化腐朽為神奇的聖工。祂要把萬物從罪惡中救贖出來,與當初創世時無中生有,是需要一樣大的能力,我們的救主耶穌承擔了這個責任,祂也完全勝任這個工作。同時,祂早已開始這聖工,幾世紀以來,祂使人心回轉,使社會安定有秩序。漸漸地,惡質化的政府體制也被改善,人心也因著祂的恩典而更新。最後,到那日,人的身體也要改變,如同祂榮耀的身體那樣,被提升天。�


Nothing Old

Scripture: "And He that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new" (Revelation 21:5).

Glory be to His name! All things need making new, for they are sadly battered and worn by sin. It is time that the old vesture was rolled up and laid aside, and that creation put on her Sunday suit. But no one else can make all things new except the LORD who made them at the first; for it needs as much power to make out of evil as to make out of nothing. Our LORD Jesus has undertaken the task, and He is fully competent for the performance of it. Already he has commenced His labor, and for centuries He has persevered in making new the hearts of men and the order of society. By and by He will make new the whole constitution of human government, and human [character] shall be changed by His grace; and there shall come a day when the body shall be made new and raised like unto His glorious body.

What a joy to belong to a kingdom in which everything is being made new by the power of its King! We are not dying out: we are hastening on to a more glorious life. Despite the opposition of the powers of evil, our glorious LORD Jesus is accomplishing His purpose and making us, and all things about us, "new" and as full of beauty as when they first came from the hand of the LORD.

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