司布真每日靈修(日) Morning by Morning
經文: 「我又觀看,見羔羊站在錫安山。」(啟示錄十四:1)
<BR> 再過不久,你將脫去世上的纏累、擦乾眼中的淚水,升到天堂看到同樣的羔羊,高坐在寶座上,那也是你在地上天天與之親近談心的救主耶穌,這種親眼目睹耶穌威榮的至極喜樂,實在難以用言語文字描述!
<BR> 而且,你還要繼續享受祂的同在,直到永遠,「我觀看,見到羔羊!」喔,羔羊就是天堂的全部。如同羅斯福(Rutherford)所說:「天堂與基督,其實是相等的。有耶穌同在,就是天堂。」這位為主被囚的弟兄,在他的信中曾提到:「喔!我的救主基督,若我在天堂裡卻沒有您,我就是在地獄裡;若我在地獄裡,卻擁有您,那麼地獄也變成天堂,因為您本身是我所要的天堂。」基督徒們!這是千萬確的,我們需要追求的最大的福份,就是「與耶穌同在。」
Morning, January 17
Scripture: "And I looked, and, lo, a Lamb stood on the mount Sion."(Revelation 14:1)
The apostle John was privileged to look within the gates of heaven, and in describing what he saw, he begins by saying, "I looked, and, lo, a Lamb!" This teaches us that the chief object of contemplation in the heavenly state is "the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sins of the world." Nothing else attracted the apostle's attention so much as the person of that Divine Being, who hath redeemed us by his blood. He is the theme of the songs of all glorified spirits and holy angels. Christian, here is joy for thee; thou hast looked, and thou hast seen the Lamb. Through thy tears thine eyes have seen the Lamb of God taking away thy sins. Rejoice, then. In a little while, when thine eyes shall have been wiped from tears, thou wilt see the same Lamb exalted on his throne. It is the joy of thy heart to hold daily fellowship with Jesus; thou shalt have the same joy to a higher degree in heaven; thou shalt enjoy the constant vision of his presence; thou shalt dwell with him for ever. "I looked, and, lo, a Lamb!" Why, that Lamb is heaven itself; for as good Rutherford says, "Heaven and Christ are the same thing;" to be with Christ is to be in heaven, and to be in heaven is to be with Christ. That prisoner of the Lord very sweetly writes in one of his glowing letters—"O my Lord Jesus Christ, if I could be in heaven without thee, it would be a hell; and if I could be in hell, and have thee still, it would be a heaven to me, for thou art all the heaven I want." It is true, is it not, Christian? Does not thy soul say so?
"Not all the harps above
Can make a heavenly place,
If God his residence remove,
Or but conceal his face."
All thou needest to make thee blessed, supremely blessed, is "to be with Christ."
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