2014年1月4日 星期六

Daily Devotion - Jan 5 - ¼}¦w¼w¯P¨C¤éÆF­× God's Best Secrets by Andrew Murray

慕安德烈每日靈修 God's Best Secrets by Andrew Murray


經文: 「只要信。」(馬可福音五:36)






Scripture: "Only believe."—MARK v. 36.

We have here a lesson of the greatest importance, namely this, that when alone in the inner chamber we must send up our petitions trusting implicitly in the love of God and in the power of the Lord Jesus. Take time to ask yourself, the question: Is my heart full of a great and steadfast faith in God's love? If this is not the case, do not begin to pray at once Faith does not come of itself. Consider quietly how impossible it is for God to lie. He is ready with infinite love to give you a blessing. Take some text of Scripture in which God's power and faithfulness and love are revealed. Appropriate the words, and say: "Yes Lord, I will pray in firm faith in Thee and in Thy great love."
It is a mistake to limit the word "faith," to the forgiveness of sins, and to our acceptance as children of God. Faith includes far more. We must have faith in all that God is willing to do for us. We must have faith each day according to our special needs. God is infinitely great and powerful, Christ has so much grace for each new day, that our faith must reach out afresh each day according to the need of the day.
When you enter into the inner chamber, even before you begin to pray, ask yourself: "Do I really believe that God is here with me, and that the Lord Jesus will help me to pray, and I may expect to spend a blessed time in communion with my God?"
Jesus often taught His disciples how indispensable faith was to true prayer. He will teach us this lesson too. Remain in fellowship with Him, and ask Him to strengthen your faith in His Almighty power. Christ says to you and to me as to Martha: "Said I not unto thee that if thou wouldst believe, thou shouldst see the glory of God."

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