慕安德烈每日靈修 God's Best Secrets by Andrew Murray
經文: 「耶穌自己禱告。」(路加福音九:18)「祂就獨自又退到山上去了」(約翰福音六:15)
<BR> 人需要單獨與上帝相處。人的墮落在於人心被物慾所佔滿,心思意念隨著血氣而走,被世界的潮流所吸引。人心靈的重建在於歸向上帝,來到上帝的面前,恢復上帝與人和好的關係,享受祂的愛。救恩的真義就是成爲上帝家中的一份子,享受祂的同在。�
<BR> 人需要單獨與上帝相處,否則上帝無法向我們的心說話,聖靈也無法在我們身上運行工作,更沒有機會充滿我們。�
<BR> 人需要單獨與上帝相處,降服在祂的寶座前,浸沐在祂聖潔的榮耀與慈愛中。耶穌在地上的日子,也是如此,祂也常常退到山上與上帝單獨相處,更何況我們!�
<BR> 慈愛的主給我們這條有福的應許,只要我們肯關上門進到密室,禱告暗中的父,上帝必要垂聽我們的禱告,使我們在人前有美好的見證。�
<BR> 單獨與上帝相處,是真實禱告的祕訣,不但能面對面與主有美好的交誼,更能帶出服事的能力。若沒有天天花時間來親近上帝、等候主,你就無法真正生根建造於上帝的磐石,有份於上帝聖潔的性情,靈命無法進深,也體會不到聖靈同在的平安與喜樂。通往聖潔喜樂之道無他,惟有長時間在上帝面前安靜等候,單單地仰望祂。<BR> 每天清晨,以默念敬拜上帝,做爲一天的開始,這是何等的恩寵!親愛的弟兄姐妹們,花時間單單地親近上帝,把這當一回事來做,定睛注視祂,尋求祂,並要經歷祂。是的,你要花時間,等候在主面前,久而久之,你會驚異地發現,即使安靜的五分鐘,也是足夠且彌足珍貴。�
<BR> 「我的王我的上帝阿!求您垂聽我呼求的聲音。因爲我向您祈禱。」(詩篇五:2)
<BR> 「耶和華啊!早晨您必聽我的聲音。早晨我必向您陳明我的心意,並要儆醒。」(詩篇五:3)
Scripture: "And it came to pass, as He was alone praying."—LUKE ix 18, "He departed again into a mountain, Himself alone."—, JOHN vi. 15.
Man needs God. God made him for Himself, to find his life and happiness in Himself alone.
Man needs to be alone with God. His fall consisted in his being brought, through the lust of the flesh and the world, under the power of things visible and temporal. His restoration is meant to bring him back to the Father's house, the Father's presence, the Father's love and fellowship. Salvation means being brought to love and to delight in the presence of God.
Man needs to be alone with God. Without this, God cannot have the opportunity to shine into his heart, to transform his nature by His Divine working, to take possession and to fill him with the fulness of God.
Man needs to be alone with God, to yield to the presence and the power of His holiness, of His life and of His love. Christ on earth needed it; He could not live the life of a Son here in the flesh, without at times separating Himself entirely from His surroundings, and being alone with God. How much more must this be indispensable to us!
When our Lord Jesus gave us the blessed command to enter our inner chamber, to shut the door, to pray to our Father in secret, all alone, He gave us the promise that the Father would hear such prayers, and mightily answer them in our life before men.
Alone with God— that is the secret of true prayer; of true power in prayer; of real living, face-to-face fellowship with God; and of power for service. There is no true, deep conversion, no true, deep holiness, no clothing with the Holy Spirit and with power, no abiding peace or joy, without being daily alone with God. "There is no path to holiness, but in being much and long alone with God."
What an inestimable privilege is the institution of daily secret prayer to begin every morning. Let it be the one thing our hearts are set on, seeking, and finding, and meeting God.
Take time, O my soul, take time, to be alone with God. The time will come when you will be amazed at the thought that one could suggest that five minutes was enough.
"Hearken unto the voice of my cry, my King and my God; for unto Thee will I pray" (Ps. v. 2).
"My voice shalt Thou hear in the morning, O Lord; in the morning will I direct my prayer unto Thee, and will look up" (Ps. v. 3).
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