司布真每日靈修(日) Morning by Morning
經文: 「以色列人要磨鋤、犁、斧、鏟,就下到非利士人那裡去麼。」(撒母耳記上十三:20)
<BR> 我們的力量是如此薄弱,武器又是這等簡陋,我們實在需要洞燭先機的睿智,靈機應變的敏捷,枕戈待旦的心志與能力,來完全配合上帝的工作。在基督教的領袖中,少有幾位具備實用的普通常識,或許他山之石可以攻錯,我們可以從敵人那裡學得幾招,而且因勢利導,達到草船借箭的效果。
<BR> 且讓我們思想異教徒對宗教的狂熱吧!他們對廟裡的偶像頂禮膜拜,三跪九叩,是何等虔誠。他們對公益事業,善行功德,也是慷慨捐款,捨身奉獻,不遺餘力,令基督徒都覺得汗顏。他們對擴張自己宗教的勢力,更是積極企劃,付諸行動,不落人後。而我們基督徒呢?實在慚愧,我們教派林立,內部也常分化不夠團結,我們何時才能團結合一,做主精兵,拿起武器,與黑暗之子作戰,奪回人心呢?求主憐憫。
Morning, March 2
Scripture: "But all the Israelites went down to the Philistines, to sharpen every man his share, and his coulter, and his axe, and his mattock."(1 Samuel 13:20)
We are engaged in a great war with the Philistines of evil. Every weapon within our reach must be used. Preaching, teaching, praying, giving, all must be brought into action, and talents which have been thought too mean for service, must now be employed. Coulter, and axe, and mattock, may all be useful in slaying Philistines; rough tools may deal hard blows, and killing need not be elegantly done, so long as it is done effectually. Each moment of time, in season or out of season; each fragment of ability, educated or untutored; each opportunity, favourable or unfavourable, must be used, for our foes are many and our force but slender.
<BR> Most of our tools want sharpening; we need quickness of perception, tact, energy, promptness, in a word, complete adaptation for the Lord's work. Practical common sense is a very scarce thing among the conductors of Christian enterprises. We might learn from our enemies if we would, and so make the Philistines sharpen our weapons. This morning let us note enough to sharpen our zeal during this day by the aid of the Holy Spirit. See the energy of the Papists, how they compass sea and land to make one proselyte, are they to monopolize all the earnestness? Mark the heathen devotees, what tortures they endure in the service of their idols! are they alone to exhibit patience and self-sacrifice? Observe the prince of darkness, how persevering in his endeavours, how unabashed in his attempts, how daring in his plans, how thoughtful in his plots, how energetic in all! The devils are united as one man in their infamous rebellion, while we believers in Jesus are divided in our service of God, and scarcely ever work with unanimity. O that from Satan's infernal industry we may learn to go about like good Samaritans, seeking whom we may bless!
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