2014年3月5日 星期三

Daily Devotion - Mar 6 - ¼}¦w¼w¯P¨C¤éÆF­× God's Best Secrets by Andrew Murray

慕安德烈每日靈修 God's Best Secrets by Andrew Murray


經文: 「夜間我心中羡慕您,我裡面的靈切切尋求您!」(以賽亞書廿六:9)










Scripture: "With my soul have I desired Thee in the night."—ISA. xxvi. 9.

And what is the chief thing, the greatest and most glorious, that man can see or find upon earth? Nothing less than God Himself.
And what is the chief and the best and the most glorious thing that a man needs every day, and can do every day? Nothing less than to seek and to know, and to love and to praise this glorious God. As glorious as God is, so is the glory which begins to work in the heart and life of the man who gives himself to live for God.
My brother, have you learnt what is the first and the greatest thing you have to do every day?
Nothing less and nothing greater than to seek this God, to meet Him, to worship Him, to live for Him and for His glory. It is a great step in advance in the life of a Christian when he truly sees this and yields himself to consider fellowship with God every day as the chief end of his life.
Take time and ask whether this be not the truth, the highest wisdom and the one thing for which a Christian is above all to live—to know his God aright, and to love Him with his whole heart. Do believe that it is not only in very deed true, but that God Himself is most desirous that you should live thus with Him and will, in answer to prayer enable you to do so.
Begin today and take a word from God's Book to speak to Him in stillness of soul.
"O God,—Thou art my God;—early will I seek Thee:— my soul thirsteth for Thee,—my flesh longeth for Thee,—my soul followeth hard after Thee" (Ps. lxiii-1).
"I seek Thee with my whole heart" (see Ps. cxix. 2).
Repeat these words in deep reverence and childlike longing till their spirit and power enter your heart; and wait upon God till you begin to realize what the blessedness is of thus meeting with Him. As you persevere you will learn to expect that the fear and the presence of God can abide with you through all the day.
"I waited patiently for the Lord; and He inclined unto me, and heard my cry" (Ps. xl. 1).

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