司布真每日靈修(日) Morning by Morning
經文: 「我們進入上來的國,必須經歷許多的艱難。」(使徒行傳十四:22)
<BR> 所以,屬上帝的人,切莫巴望逃避苦難,否則你會很失望。想想看,在我們之先的屬靈前輩,有誰不歷經困厄患難?義人約伯所遭的苦難,與他顯露的堅忍耐心;還有亞伯拉罕獻以撒,這個信心極大的考驗,造就他成為「信心之父」;還有許許多多的先知、使徒、殉道者的事蹟,更讓我們發現上帝所造的器皿,沒有不經過火的試驗與熬煉,為要使這苦難的十架所帶來的烙印,成為承載上帝恩典,並且光榮得勝的勞耀記號。
<BR> 雖然,崎嶇波折的路,是每個上帝兒女所必經的,但我們有一份篤定的安慰,就是救主耶穌總是行在我們前面,隨時鼓舞激勵我們,不但教導引領我們,更施恩扶持我們,好讓我們不灰心喪志,忍耐到底。及至到了天家,更頒給加倍榮耀的冠冕,作為我們忠心跟隨主的獎賞。
Morning, March 8
Scripture: "We must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God."(Acts 14:22)
God's people have their trials. It was never designed by God, when he chose his people, that they should be an untried people. They were chosen in the furnace of affliction; they were never chosen to worldly peace and earthly joy. Freedom from sickness and the pains of mortality was never promised them; but when their Lord drew up the charter of privileges, he included chastisements amongst the things to which they should inevitably be heirs. Trials are a part of our lot; they were predestinated for us in Christ's last legacy. So surely as the stars are fashioned by his hands, and their orbits fixed by him, so surely are our trials allotted to us: he has ordained their season and their place, their intensity and the effect they shall have upon us. Good men must never expect to escape troubles; if they do, they will be disappointed, for none of their predecessors have been without them. Mark the patience of Job; remember Abraham, for he had his trials, and by his faith under them, he became the "Father of the faithful." Note well the biographies of all the patriarchs, prophets, apostles, and martyrs, and you shall discover none of those whom God made vessels of mercy, who were not made to pass through the fire of affliction. It is ordained of old that the cross of trouble should be engraved on every vessel of mercy, as the royal mark whereby the King's vessels of honour are distinguished. But although tribulation is thus the path of God's children, they have the comfort of knowing that their Master has traversed it before them; they have his presence and sympathy to cheer them, his grace to support them, and his example to teach them how to endure; and when they reach "the kingdom," it will more than make amends for the "much tribulation" through which they passed to enter it.
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