信心的支票簿 Faith's check book 無懼死亡 經文: 「聖靈向眾教會所說的話,凡有耳的,就應當聽!得勝的,必不受第二次死的害。」(啟示錄二︰11) 除非耶穌突然降臨世上,否則世人都要經歷第一次的死,即肉體的死。但我們無需懼怕,隨時準備心,坦然接受死亡,因為耶穌已經藉著死亡這通道,將原本卑賤的身體,改變成榮耀的形狀。 我們所當怕的,不是第一次的死,那只不過是靈魂與軀殼的分離;第二次的死,才是我們懼怕的,因那是靈魂與永生上帝永遠的隔離,那才是真正的死,永遠失去平安、喜樂、快樂和希望。若沒有上帝的同在,一切都完了,永死是最糟、最可怕的結局。 現在,我們若蒙上帝保守,打完今生美好的仗,我們將無懼死亡和地獄,第二次的死便與我們無干,因為我們將得著不褪色的生命冠冕。這多激勵我們的心!為了避免第二次的死,那永生的福份,值得我們一生去努力追求! 主啊!給我們信心,助我們克服一切障礙,賜下恩典保守我們脫離一切罪惡的捆綁,和撒但的攻擊與黑暗的權勢。 No Fear of Death Scripture: "He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; he that overcometh shall not be hurt of the second death"(Revelation 2:11). The first death we must endure unless the LORD should suddenly come to His temple. For this let us abide in readiness, awaiting it without fear, since Jesus has transformed death from a dreary cavern into a passage leading to glory. The thing to be feared is not the first but the second death, not the parting of the soul from the body but the final separation of the entire man from God. This is death indeed. This death kills all peace, joy, happiness, hope. When God is gone, all is gone. Such a death is far worse than ceasing to be: it is existence without the life which makes existence worth the having. Now, if by God's grace we fight on to the end and conquer in the glorious war, no second death can lay its chill finger upon us. We shall have no fear of death and hell, for we shall receive a crown of life which fadeth not away. How this nerves us for the fight! Eternal life is worth a life's battle. To escape the hurt of the second death is a thing worth struggling for throughout a lifetime. LORD, give us faith so that we may overcome, and then grant us grace to remain unharmed though sin and Satan dog our heels! |
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2014年4月22日 星期二
Daily Devotion - Apr 23 - ?H?sao?a2?A‾ Faith's check book
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