司布真每日靈修(夜) Evening by Evening 四月二十四日 經文: 地上百花開放。百鳥鳴叫的時候已經來到,班鳩的聲音在我們境內也聽見了。(雅歌二:12) 春季是美妙的。漫長而煩悶的冬季幫助我們更能欣賞春季的柔和溫暖,夏季的預兆更加增其現有的欣喜。心靈長期的低潮以後,重見公義太陽之光是何等的喜悅啊!我們沈睡的心從昏瞶中醒來,如同番紅花和水仙花從泥土�甦醒。我們以感恩之美妙音符歡唱,遠勝過百鳥顫聲啼鳴之音調。在心靈中所聽到的得安慰與平安之確據,比鴿子的歌聲更令人喜悅。現在正是心靈尋找與她至愛者相交的時刻了,我們若不將帆升高,失去時機是我們自己的過錯。當耶穌溫柔地造訪,邀請我們起來時,我們能愚蠢地拒絕祂的邀約嗎?祂已復活以致能吸引我們歸向祂自己。祂復興我們,使我們以新生命上升至天堂分享與祂的相交。心靈的冬季使我們充滿了冷酷、漠不關心。但是當主在我們心中創造了春季,我們便會精力充沛地流出汁漿,枝頭更會開出堅強決心的花朵。主啊,倘若我冰冷的心尚未出現春天,求您教它早日來臨。來吧,聖靈,更新我的心靈!施恩予我,使我復甦;可憐您僕人,使我的靈命快樂地甦醒! Evening, April 24 Scripture: "The flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of birds is come, and the voice of the turtle is heard in our land."(Song of Solomon 2:12) Sweet is the season of spring: the long and dreary winter helps us to appreciate its genial warmth, and its promise of summer enhances its present delights. After periods of depression of spirit, it is delightful to behold again the light of the Sun of Righteousness; then our slumbering graces rise from their lethargy, like the crocus and the daffodil from their beds of earth; then is our heart made merry with delicious notes of gratitude, far more melodious than the warbling of birds—and the comforting assurance of peace, infinitely more delightful than the turtle's note, is heard within the soul. Now is the time for the soul to seek communion with her Beloved; now must she rise from her native sordidness, and come away from her old associations. If we do not hoist the sail when the breeze is favourable, we shall be blameworthy: times of refreshing ought not to pass over us unimproved. When Jesus himself visits us in tenderness, and entreats us to arise, can we be so base as to refuse his request? He has himself risen that he may draw us after him: he now by his Holy Spirit has revived us, that we may, in newness of life, ascend into the heavenlies, and hold communion with himself. Let our wintry state suffice us for coldness and indifference; when the Lord creates a spring within, let our sap flow with vigour, and our branch blossom with high resolve. O Lord, if it be not spring time in my chilly heart, I pray thee make it so, for I am heartily weary of living at a distance from thee. Oh! the long and dreary winter, when wilt thou bring it to an end? Come, Holy Spirit, and renew my soul! quicken thou me! restore me, and have mercy on me! This very night I would earnestly implore the Lord to take pity upon his servant, and send me a happy revival of spiritual life! |
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2014年4月23日 星期三
Daily Devotion - Apr 24 - ¥q¥?‾u‥C?eAF-×(c]) Evening by Evening
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