2014年4月24日 星期四

Daily Devotion - Apr 25 - ?}|w?w‾P‥C?eAF-× God's Best Secrets by Andrew Murray

慕安德烈每日靈修 God's Best Secrets by Andrew Murray


經文: 「我也將萬事當作有損的,因我以認識主基督耶穌為至寶。」(腓立比書三:8)

查考耶穌在最後一夜,給門徒的應許,我們不禁要問:為何這些門徒配得受從天而降聖靈的洗?答案很簡單,當耶穌呼召門徒,他們就撇下一切來跟隨祂,他們棄絕自己到一個地步,願意捨命跟隨耶穌到加略山,與祂一起共患難、同生死。因此他們在耶穌復活的生命上也有份。所以,門徒在地上就配得受聖靈的洗,就如同耶穌從榮耀的天父,得著豐盛的聖靈那樣。 如同耶穌將自己完全獻上,當作犧牲的羔羊獻給上帝,屬上帝的兒女也當如此行,就像亞伯拉罕、以撒、雅各以致十二個門徒,他們都是甘心樂意捨下自己,跟隨上帝的腳蹤,單單地為祂而活,因此聖靈的大能就充滿他們,使得上帝的旨意,透過他們來完成。 保羅也是如此,他將萬事看為糞土,因他以得著耶穌為宇宙的至寶;我們也當效法保羅,把萬事當作有損的,才能有份於耶穌的復活大能。但教會對這真理的教導太少了,我們不明白我們已經從世界被救贖出來,因著上帝愛我們的大愛,我們就要完全地為祂而活。就像一個人發現一個珍寶,就變賣所有的要買到它,耶穌用祂的寶血買贖我們歸祂,祂也要我們盡心、盡意、盡力地愛祂,才能有份於祂得勝的生命。是的,天國的真理是顛撲不破的:耶穌基督是宇宙至寶,一切知識或珍寶,在祂面前都黯然失色,沒得比較。 門徒們必須與耶穌基督相處幾年,才能預備好心,接受五旬節聖靈的澆灌。耶穌呼召我們每天與祂同行,緊緊地與祂相連,住在祂裡面,好像現在活著的不再是為自己而活,乃是為耶穌而活。惟有藉著這方法,我們才能經歷到聖靈豐盛的同在。 讓我們大膽地開口向上帝要,相信這樣一個被聖靈充滿的生活,是上帝定意要給我們的,讓我們的心渴慕擁有這樣一種生活,天上地下除了耶穌以外,再無別物值得我們戀慕;若我們能如此專心愛主,我們就能站得穩,而且得勝有餘。


Scripture: "Yea, verily, and I count all things to be loss for the excell¬ency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord,"—PHIL, iii. 8.

In studying the promises Jesus gave to His disciples in the last night, the question comes, What was it that made just these men fit and worthy of the high honour of being baptized with the Holy Ghost from heaven? The answer is simple. When Christ called them, they forsook all and followed Him. They denied themselves, even to the hating of their own life, and gave themselves to obey His commands. They followed Him to Calvary, and amid its suffering and death their hearts clung to Him alone. It was this that prepared them for receiving a share in His resurrection life, and so becoming fitted here on earth to be filled with that Spirit, even as He received the fulness of the Spirit from the Father in glory. Just as Jesus Christ had to sacrifice all to be wholly an offering to God, so all His people, from Abraham and Jacob, and Joseph downward to His twelve disciples, have had to be men who had given up all to follow the Divine leading, and lived separated unto God, ere the Divine power could fulfil His purposes through them. It was thus with Paul too. To count all things but loss for Christ was the keynote of His life, as it must be that of ours, if we are to share fully in the power of His resurrection. But how little the Church understands that we have -been entirely redeemed from the world, to live wholly and only for God and His love. As the merchantman who found the treasure in the field had to sell all he had to purchase it, Christ claims the whole heart and the whole life and the whole strength, if we are indeed to share with Him in the victory through the power of the Holy Spirit. The law of the kingdom is unchangeable; all things loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord. The disciples had to spend years with Christ to be prepared for Pentecost. Christ calls us to walk every day in the closest union with Himself, to abide in Him without ceasing, and so to live as those who are not their own, but wholly His. It is in this we shall find the path to the fulness of the Spirit. Let our faith boldly believe that such a life is meant for us. Let our heart's fervent desire reach out after nothing less than this. Let us love the lord our God and Christ our Saviour with our whole heart. We shall be more than conquerors through Him that loved us.



