2014年4月24日 星期四

Daily Devotion - Apr 25 - ¥q¥?‾u‥C?eAF-×(?e) Morning by Morning

司布真每日靈修(日) Morning by Morning


經文: 「我良人對我說,我的佳偶,我的美人,起來,與我同去。」(雅歌二:10)

我聽到我最親愛的對我說:「起來吧!」哦,是的,我已經安逸懶散享受夠久了。祂已經起來,我也應該跟著祂起來。我為何自滿於庸碌低俗之地?讓我從次好的慾望追求中出來,為那上好的目標來努力付出吧。而且祂稱呼我的良人,視我為佳偶,祂高舉我,極為器重我,我怎可還流連情慾,與世俗為友呢?祂又說:「與我同去!」祂再一次激勵我離開岸邊,進到水深之處,踏上屬靈高原。祂的鼓勵有如一針強心劑,引發我內在的驅力。是啊,我何需耽於罪中之樂?何苦患得患失於虛名浮利?喔主啊!若是可行,讓我與罪惡的世界隔絕,單單把心歸給您! 主啊,親近您,我的心靈就免於流浪之苦;默想您,我的靈就趨於鎮靜,不再受外界風雨侵擾,烈日炙烤;跟隨您,我就能登上屬靈高峰,得著從上頭來的獎賞。但是,怎能叫一顆硬石頭起來呢?怎能叫一堆爛泥巴從坑中出來呢?上帝啊!惟有您的恩典可以達成,求您的聖靈來挑旺我內心神聖之火,我要緊緊地跟隨您,直到離世與您同在那日。

Morning, April 25

Scripture: "Rise up my love, my fair one, and come away."(Song of Solomon 2:10)

Lo, I hear the voice of my Beloved! He speaks to me! Fair weather is smiling upon the face of the earth, and he would not have me spiritually asleep while nature is all around me awaking from her winter's rest. He bids me "Rise up," and well he may, for I have long enough been lying among the pots of worldliness. He is risen, I am risen in him, why then should I cleave unto the dust? From lower loves, desires, pursuits, and aspirations, I would rise towards him. He calls me by the sweet title of "My love," and counts me fair; this is a good argument for my rising. If he has thus exalted me, and thinks me thus comely, how can I linger in the tents of Kedar and find congenial associates among the sons of men? He bids me "Come away." Further and further from everything selfish, grovelling, worldly, sinful, he calls me; yea, from the outwardly religious world which knows him not, and has no sympathy with the mystery of the higher life, he calls me. "Come away" has no harsh sound in it to my ear, for what is there to hold me in this wilderness of vanity and sin? O my Lord, would that I could come away, but I am taken among the thorns, and cannot escape from them as I would. I would, if it were possible, have neither eyes, nor ears, nor heart for sin. Thou callest me to thyself by saying "Come away," and this is a melodious call indeed. To come to thee is to come home from exile, to come to land out of the raging storm, to come to rest after long labour, to come to the goal of my desires and the summit of my wishes. But Lord, how can a stone rise, how can a lump of clay come away from the horrible pit? O raise me, draw me. Thy grace can do it. Send forth thy Holy Spirit to kindle sacred flames of love in my heart, and I will continue to rise until I leave life and time behind me, and indeed come away.



