信心的支票簿 Faith's check book 遺澤後代 經文: 「行為純正的義人,他的子孫是有福的。」(箴言廿︰7) 為家人操心掛念是人之常情,但若把這份精神多一點用在注意自己的言行品格上,就更加明智。倘若我們在上帝面前行為純正,所帶給子孫的祝福,遠勝留給他們萬貫家財;父親聖潔的生活,是子孫最豐富的遺產。 正直人留給後代的典範,是一筆真實的財產,有多少偉人將他們的成功歸因於他們父母有好榜樣! 這也是為子孫們留下口碑,好叫人因著父母的好名聲,就看重這些值得信賴之人的子孫們。也希望他們的子孫能持守家風,繼續光耀門楣。 更重要的是,他們為孩子們的禱告,以及上帝所賜之福,使得孩子們,能出類拔萃。希望他們現在就蒙救恩,即便後來逝世,上帝也必垂聽禱告,拯救其後代。 我們行為純正的表率,或許正是上帝用來拯救我們兒女的方法。若孩子們在父母的生活中,看到信仰的實踐,或許就因為這樣吸引他們認識了耶穌。主啊,願這些話成就在我的家人身上。 What to Leave Children Scripture: "The just man walketh in his integrity: his children are blessed after him"(Proverbs 20:7). Anxiety about our family is natural, but we shall be wise if we turn it into care about our own character. If we walk before the LORD in integrity, we shall do more to bless our descendants than if we bequeathed them large estates. A father's holy life is a rich legacy for his sons. The upright man leaves his heirs his example, and this in itself will be a mine of true wealth. How many men may trace their success in life to the example of their parents! He leaves them also his repute. Men think better of us as the sons of a man who could be trusted, the successors of a tradesman of excellent repute. Oh, that all young men were anxious to keep up the family name! Above all, he leaves his children his prayers and the blessing of a prayer-hearing God, and these make our offspring to be favored among the sons of men. God will save them even after we are dead. Oh, that they might be saved at once! Our integrity may be God's means of saving our sons and daughters. If they see the truth of our religion proved by our lives, it may be that they will believe in Jesus for themselves. LORD, fulfill this word to my household! |
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2014年4月24日 星期四
Daily Devotion - Apr 25 - ?H?sao?a2?A‾ Faith's check book
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