信心的支票簿 Faith's check book 恩慈相待 經文: 「耶和華你的上帝就必在你所做的一切事上賜福與你。」(申命記十五︰18) 在以色列家為奴者,到了第七年豁免年,主人會讓他自由,重獲新生;若主人做得甘心樂意,因著他仁慈的作為上帝必賜福。這條法律背後的精神,就是要百姓善待為奴做工者。我們必要謹記上帝是何等恩慈憐憫地對待我們,我們這些做上帝兒女的,也該用同等的恩慈憐憫寬待他人。若我們壓迫那些服事我們的人,我們焉能期待上帝的賜福。 這種寬大的心胸,仁慈的行為,是何等大的福份,上帝不但要在財物、精神上賜福給我們,祂更視我們為祂眼中的珍寶。祂可以讓我們感覺到,我們被祂的愛包圍,庇蔭在祂特別的看顧下。如此,我在地上就預嚐天堂的快樂,上帝的賜福比財富更寶貴,祂使我們富有、樂觀、開朗。 Gracious Dealing Scripture: "And the LORD thy God shall bless thee in all that thou doest"(Deuteronomy 15:18). An Israelitish master was to give his bondservant liberty in due time, and when he left his service he was to start him in life with a liberal portion. This was to be done heartily and cheerfully, and then the LORD promised to bless the generous act. The spirit of this precept, and, indeed, the whole law of Christ, binds us to treat people well. We ought to remember how the LORD has dealt with us, and that this renders it absolutely needful that we should deal graciously with others. It becomes those to be generous who are the children of a gracious God. How can we expect our great Master to bless us in our business if we oppress those who serve us? What a benediction is here set before the liberal mind! To be blessed in all that we do is to be blessed indeed. The LORD will send us this partly in prosperity, partly in content of mind, and partly in a sense of His favor, which is the best of all blessings. He can make us feel that we are under His special care and are surrounded by His peculiar love. This makes this earthly life a joyous prelude to the life to come. God's blessing is more than a fortune. It maketh rich and addeth no sorrow therewith. |
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2014年4月25日 星期五
Daily Devotion - Apr 26 - ?H?sao?a2?A‾ Faith's check book
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