2014年4月26日 星期六

Daily Devotion - Apr 27 - ?}|w?w‾P‥C?eAF-× God's Best Secrets by Andrew Murray

慕安德烈每日靈修 God's Best Secrets by Andrew Murray


經文: 「就為你們不住的感謝上帝,禱告的時候,常題到你們,求我們主耶穌基督的上帝,榮耀的父,將那賜人智慧和啟示的靈賞給你們,使你們真知道祂,並且照明你們心中的眼睛,使你們知道祂的恩召有何等指望,祂在聖徒的基業有何等豐盛的榮耀。」(以弗所書一:16∼20)

這兒又有一處操練我們信心壯大的經文,使我們裡面的人剛強壯膽,能過得勝的生活。保羅寫信給額上有聖靈印記的信徒,殷切地鼓勵他們求告上帝打開他們心靈的眼睛,讓他們真認識上帝,知道祂運行在我們身上的能力是何等浩大,那能力就是叫耶穌從死裡復活的能力。 耶穌背負世人的罪孽與咒詛,被掛在十架上,罪沈重的壓力把祂拖到死亡的陰間,因為死的權勢完全轄制祂。然而,上帝的大能把祂從死裡復活,且高升提拔到高天榮耀的寶座。在信的人身上,這股復活的大能也照樣在運行,藉著聖靈的教導,我們知道這股能力,每天都在我們身上運行做工。 上帝對亞伯拉罕說:「我是上帝,在我沒有難成的事。」不僅在亞伯拉罕身上,在耶穌身上,上帝也行出這樣大工。若我們學習信靠相信祂,上帝照樣每時每刻,要以祂浩大無比的能力運行在我們心中。 藉著這股復活能力,這位復活被高舉的耶穌,就活化在我們心中,成為我們的生命,我們的力量。但有多少人相信這真理?讓我們切切地向上帝懇求,讓我們信靠聖靈的大能,幫助我們每天所切慕渴望的,就是能經歷到這股聖靈的大能運行在我們身上。 我們也要為教會裡的弟兄姐妹們禱告,讓他們心眼得以張開,認識聖靈的工作與復活的大能;教會的傳道人,也能像保羅那樣,不斷地為他所餵養的羊群代求,讓信徒們能每天時刻經歷到這股復活的大能,知道所信的是誰,明白基督教不再是星期天生活的點綴或社交生活,而是能真正落實在平日生活的信仰。


Scripture: "I cease not to make mention of you in my prayers; that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you a spirit of wisdom and revelation; having the eyes of your heart enlightened, that ye may know what is the exceeding great¬ness of His power to us-ward -who believe, according to that work¬ing of the strength of His might which He wrought in Christ, when He raised Him from the dead."—EPH. i. 16-20. R. V.

Here we have again one of the great texts in regard to which faith has to be exercised—words that will make our faith large and strong and bold. Paul is writing to men who had been sealed with the Holy Spirit. And yet he felt the need of unceasing prayer for the enlightening of the Spirit, that they might know in truth what the mighty power of God was that was working in them. It was nothing less than the very same power, the working of the strength of His might, by which He raised Christ from the dead. Christ died on the tree under the weight of the sin of the world and its curse. When He descended into the grave it was under the weight of all that sin, and the power of that death which had apparently mastered Him. What a mighty working of the power of God, to raise that Man out of the grave to the power and the glory of His throne. And now it is that very same power, in the exceeding greatness of it toward us who believe that, by the teaching of the Holy Spirit, we are to know as working in us every day of our life. The Lord Who said to Abraham, "I am God Almighty, nothing is too hard for Me," comes to us with the message that what He did, not only in Abraham, but in Christ Jesus, is the pledge of what He is doing every moment in our hearts and will do effectually, if we learn to trust Him. It is by that Almighty power that the risen and exalted Christ can be revealed in our hearts, as our life and our strength. How little believers believe this! Oh, let us cry to God, let us trust God for His Holy Spirit to enable us to claim nothing less every day than the exceeding greatness of this resurrection power working in us. And let us very specially pray for all believers around us and throughout the Church that they may have their eyes opened to the wonderful vision of God's Almighty resurrection power working in them. And let ministers, like Paul, make this a matter of continual intercession for those among whom they labour. What a difference it would make in their ministry, the unceasing prayer for the Spirit to reveal the power that dwells and works in them.



