慕安德烈每日靈修 God's Best Secrets by Andrew Murray 全然成聖 經文: 「願賜平安的上帝親自使你們全然成聖,又願你們的靈與魂與身子得蒙保守,在我主耶穌基督降臨的時候,完全無可指摘。」(帖撒羅尼迦前書五:23∼24) 多麼寶貴的應許!上帝的兒女要緊緊抓住這真理,將它變成生活的實際。然而,不信的人完全不明白這經文究竟何指,也沒有幾個人懂得它的寶貴與它所帶來的喜樂。 但側耳聽吧!這位賜平安的上帝,因著祂愛子在十架所流的寶血,祂就在耶穌基督裡,賜給屬上帝的兒女出人意外的平安,保守他們心懷意念不受干擾——這是惟有耶穌基督才能賜下的恩典。祂又應許我們,要使我們全然成聖,保守我們在聖靈裡追求聖潔,無可指摘。這一切完全是上帝的工作,因著與祂緊密的契合,我們在上帝聖潔的生命上有份。 我們不該對這樣的景象興奮地歡喜雀躍嗎?這應許實在是太偉大了,以致它一再被強調重複。願你的靈——在你心靈深處上帝設計來要與祂溝通的部份。以及你的魂——你的情、意、智,與人溝通互動的部份。還有你的體——那是罪住入你身體的部份,勾引你,佔據你,直到你死的時候。但是包括這部份,上帝都將之潔淨救贖。願你的靈、魂與身子,得蒙保守,聖潔無瑕疵,無可指摘,直到主再來的時候。 為了避免有些人覺得這應許太偉大了,無法做到,聖經還特別加了這句:「那呼召你的是信實的,祂必成就這事。」是的,祂曾經說過:「我是上主,我要在耶穌基督裡,以及聖靈裡,成就這事。」祂所要求的,就是我們來,住在祂裡面,每天與祂有親密的關係,就像陽光照在身上,我們感覺到溫暖,祂聖潔的熱火在我們裡面燃燒,叫我們聖潔。 上帝的兒女們,不要小信,這是對上帝不敬,而且也使你的靈性受虧損,讓我們站穩在上帝的應許上,「那呼召你的是信實的,祂必成就這事。」是的,祂必能做成這事,祂要賜下恩典,讓我常常住在祂的隱密處,安息在祂大能的臂膀下,享受祂聖潔平安的生命。祂必要做到承諾的。 「對信的人而言,在祂沒有難成的事。」主啊!我信,但我信心不足,求主幫助。 ENTIRE SANCTIPICATION Scripture: "And the God of peace Himself sanctify you wholly; and your spirit and soul and body be preserved entire, without blame at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Faithful is He that calleth you, Who will also do it."~l THESS. v. 23, 24. R. V. What a promise! One would expect to see all God's children clinging to it, claiming its fulfilment. Alas, unbelief does not know what to think of it, and but few count it their treasure and joy. Just listen. God, the God of peace—the peace He made by the blood of the cross, the peace that passeth all understanding, keeping our hearts and thoughts in Christ Jesus—none other but Himself can and will do it. This God of peace Himself promises to sanctify us, to sanctify us wholly, in Christ our sanctification, in the sanctification of the Spirit. It is God who is doing the work. It is in close, personal fellowship with God Himself that we become holy. Ought not each of us to rejoice with exceeding joy at the prospect? But it is as if the promise is too great, and so it is repeated and amplified. May your spirit—the inmost part of our being, created for fellowship with God—and your soul, the seat of the life and all its powers—and body, through which sin entered, in which sin proved its power even unto death, but which has been redeemed in Christ: spirit, soul, and body be preserved entire, without blame, at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. To prevent the possibility of any misconception, as if it is too great to be literally true, the words are added: "Faithful is He that calleth you. Who will also do it." Yes, He hath said: "I the Lord have spoken it; and I, in Christ and through the Holy Spirit, will do it." All that He asks is that we shall come and abide in close fellowship with Himself every day. As the heat of the sun shines on the body and warms it, the fire of His holi¬ness will burn in us, and make us holy. Child of God, beware of unbelief. It dishonours God, it robs your soul of its heritage. Take refuge in the word: "Faithful is He that calleth you, Who will also do it." Let every thought of your high and holy calling wake the response: "Faithful is He that calleth you, Who will also do it." Yes, He will do it; and He will give me grace so to abide in His nearness that I can ever be under the cover of His perfect peace, and of the holiness which He alone can give. O my soul, He will do it. "All things are possible to him that believeth." I believe, Lord; help my unbelief. |
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2014年4月25日 星期五
Daily Devotion - Apr 26 - ?}|w?w‾P‥C?eAF-× God's Best Secrets by Andrew Murray
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