2014年4月30日 星期三

Daily Devotion - May 1 - ?H?sao?a2?A‾ Faith's check book

信心的支票簿 Faith's check book


經文: 「大山小山必在你們面前發聲歌唱;田野的樹木也都拍掌。」(以賽亞書五十五︰12)

當罪得赦免,並卸下內心的重擔,我們胸中不禁湧出喜樂的泉源,這是上帝賜給懺悔蒙恩的人之福;它是一種說不出來的快樂,叫周遭萬物都煥然一新,風貌迥異。其實山水草木本就有情,因著我們更新的生命,大自然應有的榮美就愈加彰顯。這外在的有形世界,有如樂器,人類更新的內心,就像樂師,藉著感官的欣賞,就能帶動彈奏出一首宇宙和諧美妙的樂曲;大山小丘就像樂曲的主調,而花草樹木是隨風唱和的醉人音符。 當神的話語,在人心札根生長,靈魂得著拯救,萬物就顯為不同。當我們聽到慕道友的懺悔告白,或是聖者感人的見證,就快樂地讚美主,而山川草木似乎也應和著我們雀躍的心情,踴動歡唱,編織出一首交響樂。主啊!在這五月天,讓我的心被高舉,與您所造的萬物一同唱和,猶和一隻在枝頭昂首高歌的雲雀!

Full of Song

Scripture: "The mountains and the hills shall break forth before you into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands"(Isaiah 55:12).

When sin is pardoned, our greatest sorrow is ended, and our truest pleasure begins. Such is the joy which the LORD bestows upon His reconciled ones, that it overflows and fills all nature with delight. The material world has latent music in it, and a renewed heart knows how to bring it out and make it vocal. Creation is the organ, and a gracious man finds out its keys, lays his hand thereon, and wakes the whole system of the universe to the harmony of praise. Mountains and hills, and other great objects, are, as it were, the bass of the chorus; while the trees of the wood, and all things that have life, take up the air of the melodious song. When God's Word is made to prosper among us and souls are saved, then everything seems full of song. When we hear the confessions of young believers and the testimonies of well-instructed saints, we are made so happy that we must praise the LORD, and then it seems as if rocks and hills and woods and fields echo our joy-notes and turn the world into an orchestra. LORD, on this happy May Day, lead me out into thy tuneful world as rich in praise as a lark in full song.



