2014年4月30日 星期三

Daily Devotion - May 1 - ?}|w?w‾P‥C?eAF-× God's Best Secrets by Andrew Murray

慕安德烈每日靈修 God's Best Secrets by Andrew Murray


經文: 「你們知道主曾顯現,是要除掉人的罪,在祂並沒有罪。凡住在祂裡面的,就不犯罪;凡犯罪的是未曾看見祂,也未曾認識祂。」(約翰壹書三:5∼6)

耶穌在最後一次所說的話,約翰都把它牢牢記在心裡,他清楚記得耶穌六次講到,凡愛祂遵守祂命令的,必要住在祂的愛中,天父與耶穌也必來與他同住。因此在約翰所寫的書信中,住在耶穌裡一直是他重複出現的信息。(約二:6,24,28;三:6,24;四:13,16) 在今天的經文,約翰教導我們可以不犯罪,「凡住在耶穌裡面的,就不犯罪。」雖然我們有罪性,但只要住在耶穌裡,祂是無罪的,可以把我們從罪惡的權勢中拯救出來,行討上帝喜悅的事。聖經中記載著耶穌說的一段話:「我常做祂所喜悅的事。」(約八:29)因此約翰在書信中也說:「親愛的弟兄啊!我們的心若不責備我們,就可以向上帝坦然無懼了,並且我們一切所求的,就從祂得著,因為我們遵守祂的命令,行祂所喜悅的事。」(約壹三:21、22) 我的心哪!讓我不喜歡不義,渴望脫離罪惡的權勢,緊緊抓住上帝簡單有力的應許:「在祂裡面毫無罪惡。」而「我在祂裡面。」當我們住在無罪的耶穌裡面,耶穌的生命也要藉著聖靈透過我們活出來,如此我們就能過一個討主喜悅的日子,行耶和華眼中看為正的事。 上帝的兒女們,你們被呼召過一個信心生活,而且是一個堅定強壯的信心生活,持續不間斷地相信上帝大能的保守,當你每天花時間來到上帝面前,將自己交託給這位賜平安的上帝,祂要在各樣的善工上成全你們,你們也將經歷到心中未曾想過的事,就是上帝為等候祂的人,所做心中奇妙的變化。 「凡住在祂裡面的,就不犯罪。」這應許是千真萬確的,這位全能的上帝應許要在我們心中做工,藉著耶穌基督行祂眼中看為正的事。 「凡住在祂裡面的,就不犯罪。」 「我不是說過,你若信,你就要見著上帝的榮耀?」


Scripture: "Ye know that He was manifested to take away sins; and in Him is no sin. Whosoever abideth in Him sinneth not."—1 JOHN in. 5, 6.

John had taken deep into his heart and life the words that Christ had spoken in the last night, on abiding in Him. He ever remembered how the Lord had six times over spoken of loving Him and keeping His commandments as the way to abiding in His love, and receiving the indwelling of the Father and the Son. And so in this Epistle in his old age the abiding in Christ is one of the key-words of the life it promises (John ii. 6, 24, 28; iii. 6, 24; iv. 13, 16). In our text John teaches how we can be kept from sinning: "He that abideth in Christ sinneth not." Though there be sin in our nature, the abiding in Christ, in Whom is no sin, does indeed free us from the power of sin and enables us day by day to live so as to please God. Of the Lord Jesus it is written that He had said of the Father (John viii. 29) : "I do always those things that please Him." And so John writes in the Epistle: "Beloved, if our heart condemn us not, we have boldness toward God; and whatsoever vfe ask, we receive of Him, because we keep His commandments and do the things that are pleasing in His sight." Let the soul that longs to be free from the power of sin take these simple but far-reaching words; "In Him is no sin," and "of God I am in Him." "He that establisheth us in Christ is God." As I seek to abide in Him in Whom there is no sin, Christ will indeed live out His own life in me in the power of the Holy Spirit, and fit me for a life in which I always do the things that are pleasing in His sight. Dear child of God, you are called to a life in which faith, great faith, strong faith, continuous and unbroken faith, in the Almighty power of God is your one hope. As you day by day take time and yield yourself to the God of peace, Who perfects you in every good work to do His will, you will experience that what the heart has not conceived is what God indeed works in them that wait for Him. "He that abideth in Him, sinneth not." The promise is sure: God the Almighty is pledged that He will work in you what is well-pleasing in His sight, through Christ Jesus. In that faith, abide in Him. "Whosoever abideth in Him, sinneth not." "Have I not said unto thee that, if thou believest, thou shalt see the glory of God?"



